Trading addiction, do you often lose control and cannot short positions?

We live in an era of fast pace, fast feedback, and infinite involution. In such an environment, it is easy to be paced by various information. Time, knowledge, and ability are fragmented, which makes our daily behavior inexplicably accelerated. This is like a white noise, becoming the background noise of our trading behavior. Therefore, slowing down is a key ability of this era. Slowing down is also the core ability of trading profit. Thinking fast and slow, in trading, only by mobilizing our slow thinking system can we see the essence of the problem and solve it effectively.

"Habitual quick response" can easily make us fall into the trap of addiction. Be aware of your usual behavior. Is it possible to watch videos on Douyin? It has become a potential behavior, which makes it impossible to read a paper book seriously and think deeply. In serious cases, even those who are used to watching movie commentaries have no patience to watch a complete movie again. . . These phenomena are common in our daily lives.

The reason why people find it difficult to face reality is that when they get rid of addictive behavior, the situation of facing reality is often worse. Facing and changing requires courage and courage. Addictive behavior has two characteristics:

1. It is uncomfortable if you don't do it, and it is also uncomfortable if you do it;

2. You know that you are uncomfortable if you do it, but you still do it. If the trading behavior accounts for more than two of the following items, then it is necessary to consider whether there is a problem of trading addiction.

○ Finding reasons for your own trading, but can't explain why you trade

○ Trading makes me exhausted, and I can't eat or sleep

○ It will be very uncomfortable and anxious if there is no position in the account

○ I care more about whether I have traded than whether the trading can make a profit

○ I can't stop when I lose money, and I keep adding margin until the margin is insufficient again, and the cycle repeats

○ Technical analysis and fund management will be learned tomorrow, and fundamentals? I don't have time to study, so I'll place this order first

Many times, we trade frequently in the market. What is the reason behind this frequent trading behavior that drives such behavior is actually a question worth pondering.#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变