At the end of February last year, when the spring was still chilly, the suspected absconding of ZG Exchange was like a thunderclap, breaking the tranquility of the cryptocurrency market. This was not only the second exchange collapse "elegy" after FCoin in the new year, but also the aftermath of the absconding craze of exchanges in November last year. As the sensitive nerve of the market, Interchain Pulse has frequently received reports from investors about exchange fraud and absconding with funds, and is doing its best to verify and report.

Prior to this, Interchain Pulse has conducted an in-depth analysis of the exchange ecosystem from 2019 to the present. The rise and fall of nearly forty exchanges is like an epic story of twists and turns. Among them, there are many exchanges that harvest "leeks". Their methods and reasons are sorted out one by one for investors to learn from.

These exchanges that have run away, like vampires, have five tricks to "suck money". First, they are as mysterious as shadows, and the founders and core team members are hidden, making it difficult for investors to find out the details. Secondly, these exchanges are like magicians, using various tricks of depositing coins to earn interest, tempting investors to exchange mainstream coins for their platform coins, and then creating the illusion of rising coin prices, and finally running away with the money. Thirdly, they use low-price subscriptions for mainstream coins as bait to attract a large number of investors to enter, but it is often a drama of making money out of nothing. In addition, they also use a pyramid scheme-style incentive system to make investors become their tools for "attracting new members" and continuously expand their sphere of influence. Finally, they have launched a large number of pyramid scheme coins and air coin projects, and jointly harvested leeks with project parties, which ultimately caused users to lose all their money.

In this frenzy of "model innovation", many exchanges followed suit blindly, but ignored their operational and maintenance capabilities and potential risks. Data from Interchain Pulse shows that more than 70% of exchanges have closed down or run away due to insufficient funds. The remaining exchanges are also facing fierce market competition and survival pressure.

However, capital is still pouring into the exchange market. Although there are already too many exchanges, there are still a large number of investors and capital seeking new opportunities. This makes people wonder, when exchanges are oversaturated and lack a healthy exit channel, has collapse and running away become the fate of most exchanges?

In this volatile world of cryptocurrency, investors need to be vigilant at all times, keep their eyes open, and distinguish between the real and the fake. Exchanges that try to make quick profits through "model innovation" also need to realize that true success is not achieved overnight, but requires stable operations and continuous innovation.#币安合约锦标赛 $BTC