#新手必看 #热门话题


Newbies to the cryptocurrency circle, keep these three points in mind, you are already one step ahead!

Don't trade frequently, stay calm

If you are the kind of person who stares at the screen all day long, watching the price rise and fall, and can't sleep at night, then you may be gambling, not investing. Investment requires patience and planning, not just buying and selling. Frequent trading not only makes no money, but may also make you lose your mind and affect your life. So, stay calm and don't be led by the nose by price fluctuations.

Run fast in small steps and accumulate experience

The cryptocurrency circle is a complicated place with many routines. Don't invest a lot of money at once before you fully understand it. Try it with money you can afford, so that you won't feel too bad even if you lose money. Start with a small investment, understand the market, learn various operating skills, and consider increasing investment when you are experienced.

There is more than one way to make money

In the cryptocurrency world, there are many ways to make money. In addition to cryptocurrency trading, you can also participate in early investment in projects, mining, and decentralized finance (DeFi). These are all ways to make money. Remember, investment and return are proportional, so explore different opportunities and find the best way to make money for you.


As a novice in the cryptocurrency world, you may encounter many difficulties. But as long as you keep the above three points in mind, stay calm, run in small steps, and diversify your income channels, you will be able to go more steadily and further in the cryptocurrency world. I hope these suggestions can help you, and I wish you success in the cryptocurrency world!

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the cryptocurrency world, click on my avatar, follow me, bull market spot planning, contract honey 🐎, and share with you. Comments 999

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