Let me share an intriguing observation that may bring some inspiration to everyone. Consider two friends in real life, whose investment paths are completely different and whose results are also very different.

The first friend has embarked on a cryptocurrency investment journey since 2015. He started with a negligible 20,000 yuan and bravely plunged into the wave of Bitcoin and various emerging altcoins. Today, this investment has expanded like a miracle, growing to an impressive 2.48 million yuan.

On the other hand, there is another friend of mine who has been struggling in the stock market for more than ten years, and has invested more than 600,000 yuan during this period. He has tried the calmness of value investment, the passion of chasing hot spots, the persistence of long-term and the flexibility of short-term, and has almost gone through the full spectrum of stock market strategies. However, the cruel reality is that now his account balance is less than 100,000 yuan, and the efforts and attempts in the past do not seem to have exchanged for the expected returns.

The comparison between the two can't help but make people sigh. This difference is like a natural moat, highlighting the importance of choosing the right track at the right time. Therefore, grasping the trend of the times may be the key to our success that cannot be ignored.

#美联储何时降息? #BNB金铲子挖矿 $DOGE $NOT $TRX

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