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How to make 100,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency circle with 5,000 yuan? Then you can only play contracts. You can only play BTC when playing contracts, because other currencies fluctuate too much, and you will lose nine out of ten bets. Find the right opportunity, make a long-term long order, and add rolling positions, it is possible to make 20 times. For example, if you make a long roll position at around 30,000 and get 70,000, you can do it. There are not many such opportunities, which may appear once a year, or once every two years! But can you tolerate the big shocks in the middle? The people I admire most are Fat House and Ouyang. I remember that Ouyang opened 500 long orders at 3,800 in 2019, and held them until June 2019. It rose to 14,000 and was closed every time. In 2020, it fell back to 4,000, and then rose again. Such a long period of turbulence is not something that ordinary people can hold. Fat House also took a long-term long order and transferred 100 million yuan, a big bull market in 2021. The biggest problem with long-term long orders is when to close them, and it is difficult to judge the top. For example, many people now say that it is going to double top, and there will definitely be a big correction. But some people say that it is far from the top, less than 150,000, 200,000, or even 500,000 dollars. The author of the famous "Rich Dad Poor Dad" predicted that it would reach 500,000 dollars by the end of 2024. Of course, we just listen to it as a joke. But 100,000 dollars is completely possible before the end of the year. If the big cake can return to around 50,000, then you can go all in, take a 2-3 times long order, take a long-term, and it is completely possible to bet on a new high. Don't do contracts for altcoins. The ups and downs are too severe at night, and you can't grasp it at all. It is purely speculative and extremely risky! Just do big cakes honestly. After all, we open orders below 3 times, and the risk is still much smaller! Although Caishen does not recommend playing contracts, high returns and high risks, I hope you guys will consider it for yourself As an investor who has been struggling in the currency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency world but don't know where to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries of the cryptocurrency world and future possibilities with me. Click on the avatar to find me. #币安用户数突破2亿 #BTC走势分析 #MegadropLista

How to make 100,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency circle with 5,000 yuan?

Then you can only play contracts.

You can only play BTC when playing contracts, because other currencies fluctuate too much, and you will lose nine out of ten bets.

Find the right opportunity, make a long-term long order, and add rolling positions, it is possible to make 20 times.

For example, if you make a long roll position at around 30,000 and get 70,000, you can do it.

There are not many such opportunities, which may appear once a year, or once every two years!

But can you tolerate the big shocks in the middle?

The people I admire most are Fat House and Ouyang.

I remember that Ouyang opened 500 long orders at 3,800 in 2019, and held them until June 2019. It rose to 14,000 and was closed every time. In 2020, it fell back to 4,000, and then rose again. Such a long period of turbulence is not something that ordinary people can hold.

Fat House also took a long-term long order and transferred 100 million yuan, a big bull market in 2021.

The biggest problem with long-term long orders is when to close them, and it is difficult to judge the top.

For example, many people now say that it is going to double top, and there will definitely be a big correction.

But some people say that it is far from the top, less than 150,000, 200,000, or even 500,000 dollars.

The author of the famous "Rich Dad Poor Dad" predicted that it would reach 500,000 dollars by the end of 2024. Of course, we just listen to it as a joke.

But 100,000 dollars is completely possible before the end of the year.

If the big cake can return to around 50,000, then you can go all in, take a 2-3 times long order, take a long-term, and it is completely possible to bet on a new high.

Don't do contracts for altcoins. The ups and downs are too severe at night, and you can't grasp it at all. It is purely speculative and extremely risky!

Just do big cakes honestly. After all, we open orders below 3 times, and the risk is still much smaller!

Although Caishen does not recommend playing contracts, high returns and high risks, I hope you guys will consider it for yourself

As an investor who has been struggling in the currency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency world but don't know where to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries of the cryptocurrency world and future possibilities with me. Click on the avatar to find me.

#币安用户数突破2亿 #BTC走势分析 #MegadropLista

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如果,我9年前买了一万块钱比特币,现在我会怎么样? 来自粉丝投稿: 9年前,2013年,比特币400一个时,我用了所有的私房钱买了14个比特币。 2013年牛市,卖了4个,获利15000左右,又花了3个,投了bitshare、mastercard coin,这俩都失败了,于是在新的众筹项目etherum出现时,我不敢投了,这个项目就是著名的以太坊,几年之后我郁闷了。 2016年底,手头有20000+,决定与比特币共存亡了,又买了4个。 2017年牛市,我看着一片ICO骗子在骗钱,死死握住比特币,结果错过好多机会,陆续卖了3个,加上中间乱七八糟买卖投项目,获利40万左右,但被亲戚骗走了30万。 2018年开始定投,逐渐积累到9.x个比特币。 2021年牛市,我从上次的经验中得到了教训,开始顺势而为,从牛初就开始滚着买,最多到手200万左右,然后70万最后跟着币印的挖矿项目归零了,剩下的钱和父母、老婆、丈母娘分了,还剩余7个比特币。 2022年,下跌期间慢慢买入,又攒了10+比特币,最后存在币印钱包暴雷,失去了40%。 只能说,还活着吧,不知道能不能趟过之后的坑。大部分人都在一轮轮坑里掉进去了,坚持不到现在,丢了、赔光、被骗、暴雷、卖光等等,我这一路坑躲到现在还没离场的应该是很少数了。 要问会怎么样,就是闲钱多了,吃吃喝喝手头宽裕,花钱大方,在单位就受欢迎,可以随意请男同志喝酒,给女同志供应零食。别的就没什么花销了,绝不能浮躁,如果浮躁的话,估计我2017年之前币早卖光了。这两年觉得最奢侈的一笔花销是拿下一块4090。 如果这篇文章对你有用,那不妨点个关注,这段时间财神准备埋伏几个十倍币。煮业简介连戏我,无门槛带你上车 #美联储何时降息? #MegadropLista #第55期新币挖矿IO #美联储利率决策即将公布
昨日晚间,加密市场经历了过山车行情,全球资本市场都在盯着美联储的利率政策,资本市场也经历了较大波动。 美国联邦储备委员会当地时间6月12日公布最新利率决议,将联邦基金利率目标区间维持在5.25%至5.50%不变,符合市场预期。 市场受此消息影响出现上涨,比特币和以太坊均涨幅超过5%,比特币冲击7万美元关口,山寨币们也纷纷大涨。 随后,美联储主席鲍威尔发言,他认为更近期的通胀数据有所放缓,需要看到更多良好的数据来提振有关抗通胀进程的信心,继续高度关注通胀风险,今年到目前为止,我们对通胀放缓到足以降息的信心尚未增强。 鲍威尔表示,整个利率路径都很重要,而不仅仅是首次降息,首次降息对经济至关重要,降息时机对经济来说是一个重要的决定 随后市场转跌,比特币再次跌至6.7万美元,山寨币们又纷纷回调 11月降息一次,加密市场涨;鲍威尔说降息需要更长时间,加密市场又跳水 现在币圈大波动全看美联储,后半程降息对币圈的影响大概率不大了,美联储是否直接扩表印钱才是驱动第二波行情的关键,但美联储直接扩表印钱往往是发生了经济衰退导致市场大跌。美联储已经放弃前瞻性,跟着数据亦步亦趋,不给出明确的政策,显得非常谨慎,市场对此就有犹豫,然后也想再多看一到两个月的数据看看通胀是不是真的逆转了一季度的反弹走势 从7万美元一直无法有效突破来看,说明入场的净资金不多,山寨币们跌幅尤其大,甚至已经将此轮涨幅完全跌回去了。山寨币上面,机构们忙着套现,比特币上机构们忙着套利,所以暂时没有大资金流入加密市场推动二次大涨,更多的可能是大区间震荡,需要更多的耐心,等到新的事件或者数据来刺激走势 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储何时降息?
特朗普站队数字货币,希望所有剩下的比特币都在美国制作 作为美国总统候选人,特朗普已经许下了太多承诺,其中就包括对加密货币的大力支持。 数名比特币矿工在周二晚间于特朗普的海湖庄园与特朗普见面。特朗普称自己热爱且了解加密货币,比特币矿工的存在有助于稳定美国电网的能源供应。特朗普承诺若入主白宫,将为加密货币矿工发声, 特朗普本人则在其Truth Social平台上发帖称,比特币挖矿是美国对抗其他央行数字货币的最后一道防线,他希望所有剩余的比特币都能在美国制造出来。 此前,特朗普竞选团队宣布接受加密货币捐款,被视为高调拥抱加密货币行业的一种表态。近几周,特朗普加大了自己对加密货币友好的形象宣传,还称自己将成为 “加密货币总统”。但另一方面,他并没有给出具体的政策细节。 特朗普明确表示,拜登和美国证券交易委员会主席Gary Gensler针对加密货币的打击政策,将在他上任后的一小时内终止。 本月初,拜登刚刚否决了一项支持美国数字货币发展的托管政策法案。白宫发言人辩称,拜登政府依旧支持数字资产创新,但同时也希望保护消费者免受新技术带来的风险。 而就在此时,特朗普开始轰炸式输出自己对加密货币的支持观点,态度与此前殊异。在今年之前,特朗普一直对加密货币态度消极,认为其有骗局的色彩。 业内人士认为,这是特朗普在吸引新选民上的核心要点。根据一项调查,混迹于加密市场的选民目前更喜欢特朗普而不是拜登。这一点从特朗普在硅谷获得更多捐款一事上也能得到呼应。 渣打银行则给出预测,随着美国大选的临近,比特币价格将达到10万美元。而若特朗普成功入主白宫,比特币价格可能到达15万美元。 #MegadropLista #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期 #第55期新币挖矿IO #IO

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