If I bought 10,000 yuan worth of Bitcoin 9 years ago, what would I be like now?

From a fan submission:

9 years ago, in 2013, when Bitcoin was 400 yuan per coin, I used all my private money to buy 14 Bitcoins.

In the bull market of 2013, I sold 4 of them and made a profit of about 15,000 yuan. I spent another 3 and invested in Bitshare and Mastercard Coin, both of which failed. So when the new crowdfunding project Ethereum appeared, I didn’t dare to invest. This project is the famous Ethereum. I was depressed a few years later.

At the end of 2016, I had 20,000+ on hand and decided to live and die with Bitcoin. I bought 4 more.

In the bull market of 2017, I watched a lot of ICO scammers cheating money and held on to Bitcoin tightly. As a result, I missed many opportunities. I sold 3 of them one after another. In addition to the messy buying and selling of investment projects in the middle, I made a profit of about 400,000 yuan, but my relatives cheated me of 300,000 yuan.

In 2018, I started to invest regularly and gradually accumulated 9.x Bitcoins.

In the bull market of 2021, I learned a lesson from the last experience and started to follow the trend. I started to buy from the beginning of the bull market. I got about 2 million at most, and then 700,000 finally went to zero with the mining project of Biyin. I shared the remaining money with my parents, wife, and mother-in-law, and there were still 7 bitcoins left.

In 2022, I bought slowly during the decline and saved 10+ bitcoins. Finally, the Biyin wallet collapsed and lost 40%.

I can only say that I am still alive, but I don’t know if I can get through the pits later. Most people fell into the pits one after another and couldn’t hold on until now. They lost, lost everything, were cheated, collapsed, sold everything, etc. I should be a minority who have not left the market after hiding from the pits all the way.

If you want to ask what will happen, it means that there is more spare money, eating and drinking, and spending money generously. You are popular in the unit and can invite male comrades to drink and provide snacks to female comrades at will. There is nothing else to spend, and you must not be impetuous. If you are impetuous, I guess I would have sold all the coins before 2017. The most extravagant expense in the past two years is to buy a 4090 yuan.

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