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5.31 Bitcoin trend is running steadily! Pay attention to the breakout and surge trend that may come at any time! Yesterday we mentioned that Bitcoin is looking for a triangle trend, so at present, the price is rebounding in this triangle trend, because we also saw yesterday that the price just came to the bottom of this triangle, so according to the trend of the triangle, the price should rebound and continue to rise. Then yesterday, the highest price of Bitcoin rebounded to around 69,500. From the four-hour level, the upper resistance is still very strong because you can see that there is a four-hour K-line above 69,000, but in the end it was a K-line with a long upper shadow. So now we combine the analysis of yesterday's article, the current price is following the trend we expected, so it can be said that the current trend is running well. Similarly, we can also see that in the indicator macd below, the fast and slow lines are forming a golden cross trend below the zero axis. At present, the green long volume column is also increasing in volume. After the fast and slow lines form a golden cross, they can cross the zero axis. At that time, it should be confirmed that the bullish trend will start and the price may surge, so everyone must pay attention to it. Of course, there is another situation that we must also understand. If the price rebounds to the top of the triangle and fails to reach the top, it will start to test the bottom of the triangle downward. In this case, it means that the rebound is weak and the bulls cannot push the price to the target position. It proves that the bulls are weak and the bears start to fight back. In this case, the price is likely to fall through the triangle, and the downward trend will start! Of course, I think the probability of this happening is still relatively low, because we can observe from the Bollinger Band indicator at the four-hour level that the current price is above the middle track of the Bollinger Band at the four-hour level, so when the price does not fall through the middle track of the Bollinger Band at the four-hour level, we do not need to consider the possibility of falling through. #BTC走势分析

5.31 Bitcoin trend is running steadily! Pay attention to the breakout and surge trend that may come at any time!

Yesterday we mentioned that Bitcoin is looking for a triangle trend, so at present, the price is rebounding in this triangle trend, because we also saw yesterday that the price just came to the bottom of this triangle, so according to the trend of the triangle, the price should rebound and continue to rise.

Then yesterday, the highest price of Bitcoin rebounded to around 69,500. From the four-hour level, the upper resistance is still very strong because you can see that there is a four-hour K-line above 69,000, but in the end it was a K-line with a long upper shadow.

So now we combine the analysis of yesterday's article, the current price is following the trend we expected, so it can be said that the current trend is running well. Similarly, we can also see that in the indicator macd below, the fast and slow lines are forming a golden cross trend below the zero axis. At present, the green long volume column is also increasing in volume.

After the fast and slow lines form a golden cross, they can cross the zero axis. At that time, it should be confirmed that the bullish trend will start and the price may surge, so everyone must pay attention to it.

Of course, there is another situation that we must also understand. If the price rebounds to the top of the triangle and fails to reach the top, it will start to test the bottom of the triangle downward. In this case, it means that the rebound is weak and the bulls cannot push the price to the target position. It proves that the bulls are weak and the bears start to fight back. In this case, the price is likely to fall through the triangle, and the downward trend will start!

Of course, I think the probability of this happening is still relatively low, because we can observe from the Bollinger Band indicator at the four-hour level that the current price is above the middle track of the Bollinger Band at the four-hour level, so when the price does not fall through the middle track of the Bollinger Band at the four-hour level, we do not need to consider the possibility of falling through.


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6.12 比特币继续暴跌!美联储议息会议是否能够扭转局势? 比特币这几天连续开启两段暴跌行情,昨天的这一波下跌最低点是跌到了六万六的附近,目前价格反弹1500点,回到了67500的附近,短线是可以看到,目前价格似乎在这里是受到了阻力,一直没有再能够反弹向上! 那这两天行情并不是我们主要关注的,更多的我们应该关注消息面的情况,如上图所示,在今天晚间八点半美国会公布五月份的核心通胀率,然后还有凌晨两点的美联储利率决议,当然还有两点半的美联储新闻发布会,​这些都是会影响当前价格的消息面。 在重大消息公布之前,技术面大多时候都是不能完全参考,消息面一旦发生跟之前不一样的预期,那大多情况下行情就会破坏当前的技术面结构,​所以如果没有特别的把握,我认为最好还是避开这种情况下的交易。 那目前我们大概可以知道,之前美国非农就业人数是增加的,上期我们也提到了,所以呢当前的一个预期就是美联储这一次大概率是不会降息的,市场普遍预期这一次议息会议将维持基准的利率不变。 但是在利率公布之前,我们是可以在八点半的时候提前知道五月份的通胀数据​,如果通胀还是很高,那么降息的周期可能还要继续的延后,那也代表着是个利空消息,到时候价格就可能提前去下跌。 而且还有可能因为过高的通胀,继续加息也不是不可能,不过这种情况几率应该是非常小的,我看了很多的分析文章,大多数都是没有提到这种情况的。​大部分只是认为,如果通胀过高,降息会继续的延后​,因为目前市场普遍预期是九月份会议美联储会开始决定降息至少25个基点。 #美联储利率决策即将公布 #BTC走势预测
6.11 比特币突破失败!暴跌开启!何时去做空? 那么在上一期文章当中我们认为比特币当时很有可能去突破关键的上方阻力出现非常强势的上涨,但是呢就在当天的晚间,是出现了一波消息面的情况,​这是我们所不能预料到的! 就是当时晚间美国公布了五月份非农就业人数,当时公布的数据高于之前的市场预期,那当然这个对美国社会是好消息,但是对美联储来说​,他们就会认为当前的这个基准利率是合适的,那么他们就会推迟降息。那我们大家都知道降息其实就是大放水,会有更多的资金会流入投资市场。那么推迟降息也就说明着大资金进场会更晚,所以对当前的比特币是利空的,然后价格就开始出现了暴跌的情况。 ​后续的价格在横盘几天之后,在今天的早间又是开始向下突破。​目前的价格已经跌穿六万八。 ​然后我们从当前的日线情况来看,此时价格跌到的位置仍然是有支撑的,是一个趋势线的支撑位,如图所示。所以当前情况来看,其实并不是很合适直接去做空,当然如果你是早在之前横盘震荡的时候就去做空的话,那我认为你现在仍然可以拿着这个空单​。 但是此前如果你没有做空的话,现在我认为做空的话就是在地板上做空,是比较危险的!想要继续做空可以等待价格继续下破之后,在短线进去尝试,需要跌破这个关键的趋势线支撑再去做空会比较好一点! 那我在图上也画出来了,其实下破这个目前的趋势线之后,价格还是有很大的下跌空间的,下破这个趋势线之后,我们下一步的下跌目标可以看到更下方的这个趋势线​。 #BTC走势预测
6.7 比特币今天很有可能会突破成功!我们应该怎么选择去上车? 昨天我们看到比特币在四小时级别macd是有即将形成死叉的这个趋势,所以认为价格可能会大概率会给到回调​,结合当时呢比特币价格是在四小时级别布林带上轨位置,如果给到回调那大概率是会给到中轨位置的回调。 然后我们从现在的盘面也可以看到昨天的价格是一波小小突破失败之后,在四小时级别是踩到了布林带中轨的位置,然后价格就开始反弹了,现在的比特币价格又是回到了71500的附近​。 目前呢在四小时级别K线也是出现了连阳的走势,那从目前的四小时级别下方macd来看,快慢线是形成了死叉,但是也可以从下方的这个红色量能柱来观察,因为价格反弹,红色的量能柱有开始缩量的这个趋势,​那就代表着macd快慢线有机会再次在零轴的上方形成金叉的趋势。 那根据这样的趋势今天的这个反弹很有可能是能够突破前高突破成功的。 因为我们一直说,比特币在日线有一个五浪模型,当前的价格是正在走第五浪,根据之前的前几浪上涨趋势,​五浪的价格可能会来到七万七的这个位置。 所以当前在指标情况都非常良好的情况下,今天的价格可能直接会突破成功,接下来的几天就会出现第五浪的趋势​。 那现在还有一个问题就是怎么去入场,我相信可能大家很多人都没有去上车,那如图所示,因为昨天价格给到了比较深的回调来到了七万位置附近,所以在短线来看,目前的价格形成了一个通道下行,当前的这个反弹差不多也是来到通道的上边了。 那可以肯定这个位置应该存在阻力的,如果在这个时候上车大概率就会变成在天花板去做多这样的情况,所以呢你稳健一点也可以等待突破这个通道之后再去上车,或者也可以根据刚才我们四小时级别macd的情况,等macd快慢线形成金叉之后再去上车也是可以的! #BTC走势预测
6.6 短暂突破失败!比特币要给上车机会? 在昨天的晚间到凌晨比特币有一波突破上涨的趋势,比特币价格最高来到71600,但是没有能够突破成功,价格又是给到了回调,但是到目前为止回调的幅度并不是很大,现在的比特币价格在71000的左右。 从形态上来看,比特币目前还是通道上行的一个趋势,如图所示,目前的价格也并没有跌破通道,价格只是来到通道的底部,虽然说通道上行是看跌的趋势,看跌的形态,但是往往在上涨的过程当中出现这样的上行通道,价格可能会尝试继续的突破这种看跌形态,如果能够突破这样的看跌形态就是能够在逆势当中去上涨,​那也可以从侧面说明上涨的趋势是非常强势的。 然后呢从下方的macd来看,目前是一小时级别,可以发现macd快慢线是在零轴的上方形成死叉然后双线是开始往零轴去走,但是目前的快慢线还是没有去跌破零轴只是靠近零轴的位置,然后可以发现目前的空头的红色量能柱是开始走缩量的趋势的,那就说明今天在一小时级别macd的快慢线有机会在零轴的上方形成金叉的走势。 那我们经常说macd零轴上方是多头区域,在多头区域继续的形成金叉,那么在很大概率上会再次出现一波上涨趋势​,大家可以关注一下这个信号短线可能有上车的一个机会! 然后我们再来看一下四小时级别的情况,目前也可以发现四小时开始出现阴线开始回调,那么从布林带来观察,现在价格在布林带的一个上轨附近,那接下来价格如果走回调那可能会回调到布林带的中轨附近,目前来看布林带的中轨在70000附近。 然后我们再来看一下四小时级别的macd,也可以发现目前macd快慢线有形成死叉的趋势,那结合一小时级别来看一小时是已经形成了死叉,那四小时目前也可能会走这样的趋势,如果是四小时在零轴上方死叉给到回调,那么价格可能会回调的更深,但是能够在四小时级别macd上方形成死叉给到回调,也并不是特别差的情况。 也就是说呢如果在四小时零轴上方形成死叉回调,后续呢快慢线还是有机会,在四小时级别macd零轴上方能够再次形成金叉的趋势,在四小时macd快慢线没有下破零轴之前的都可以看是回调趋势,那如果一小时的这个零轴上方金叉没有能够形成,没有能够开启上涨趋势,那么我们就等待四小时级别死叉形成之后,再次形成金叉,然后跟上上涨的机会​! #BTC走势分析

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