Breaking news, Sun Ge announced that he would invest in Jia Yueting. Boss Jia will return to China next week.

Sun Ge is always a hot topic in the crypto world.

From eye-catching remarks on social media to anecdotes in his personal life, every little detail attracts everyone's curiosity.

Recently, Sun Yuchen, the founder of TRON, believes that Jia Yueting should be given a chance, and announced that he is personally willing to invest in Jia Yueting to build a new personal IP company.

As for the reason, Sun Yuchen said that he personally thinks that Jia Yueting's ideas are very advanced, and many companies and entrepreneurs, including himself, have learned from LeTV.

At the same time, Sun Yuchen also put forward his own small planning requirements: he wants to turn it into an entrepreneurial reality show, making the accounts of entrepreneurs' companies public and transparent, and everyone can watch in real time how much money each event or live broadcast makes, as well as the direction and amount of expenditure.

Recently, a blogger had a two-and-a-half-hour conversation with Sun Yuchen, and the topic ranged from his plan to invest in Jia Yueting's IP e-commerce company to the interesting stories of coconut chicken in the legend of the world.

The following is a partial excerpt of Sun Yuchen's communication:

Why do you say LeTV will be like Apple? Is it because of the ecological concept that LeTV is promoting?

Sun Yuchen:

I think there are several points. The first point is that the quality of the Internet sector of A-share listed companies is generally not very high, because many well-known companies cannot be listed in the capital market of mainland China due to structural problems.

At that time, most companies could not compare with LeTV in terms of Internet thinking or overall tone. LeTV is building a full ecosystem like Apple. After starting with content and TV, it intends to imitate Apple and Tesla and hopes to develop in sectors such as mobile phones and electric vehicles. At that time, we felt that LeTV was the only company in China's A-share capital market that had the resources to do such a thing.

LeTV's stock price also rose very high at that time, because mainstream institutions and investors believed in LeTV's story. LeTV's products were also quite good, but many problems occurred later. I think the biggest problem was that there was a big problem with resource allocation. For example, LeTV Sports spent 500 million to buy the broadcasting rights of the Premier League in Hong Kong, but later found that it actually did not have the right to broadcast the Premier League in Hong Kong.

Many people say that Jia Yueting is a liar. What do you think?

Justin Sun:

First of all, I don’t think Jia Yueting is a liar. If he says that he obtained a lot of resources and turned them into personal enjoyment instead of investing them in the actual operation of the company, then he is indeed a liar. But I think he is serious about his work and he will invest resources in what he wants to do. Whether he can succeed is another matter. I know that there are a lot of doubts about him in society, especially the issue of financial transparency, so I think if Jia Yueting starts a business again, financial transparency is the most important thing, because the public has lost confidence in him in this regard.

What is your definition of a liar?

Justin Sun:

I think the real liar is those who quickly disappear and avoid investigation after obtaining public funds. I know many such liars who quickly disappeared after obtaining public funds, and even faked their deaths. But Jia Yueting is not such a liar. He is a person who seriously invests in his career after obtaining resources.

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