The primary market of cryptocurrency is an extremely chaotic market. There are all kinds of dog-trading, pool withdrawal, blacklist, etc. If you are not careful, you will be cut off.

After being ripped off for a long time, everyone is unhappy and wants to be the banker themselves. Regardless of whether you make money or not, at least you won’t be ripped off, right? Today’s article is to tell you what you should pay attention to if you want to open a new plate or do a project in the cryptocurrency circle? What is the whole process like?

Project Foundation - Coin Issuance

There are many ways to do projects in the cryptocurrency circle, but the technology of issuing coins is the most basic. Without technology, you can't do your project. If you know how to write contracts yourself, then this part can be omitted. If you don't know how to write contracts and have no knowledge of programming, how can you solve technical problems? Here are a few methods for reference.

1. One-click coin issuance platform

The one-click coin issuance platform is a tool that allows users to create contracts without programming or understanding code. Generally speaking, you only need to fill in the name, quantity, taxes, etc. of the token to create a token, which is very suitable for newcomers to practice.

The advantages of a one-click coin issuance platform are very obvious:

  • Cheap. Taking Binance Chain BSC as an example, it only costs 0.5BNB to 0.2BNB to create a token.

  • Safe. The code of the one-click coin issuance platform is used by everyone, and it can be said that it has been tested for a long time, and there will be no backdoors or loopholes. The contract can also be directly open source, saving worry and effort

Of course, there are some shortcomings and problems. One-click coin issuance platforms all use templates to issue coins, and there are only a few token mechanisms, which may not fully meet your needs. In addition, if you have technical questions, you can generally only ask in the customer service group, and it is difficult to get a one-on-one answer.

If you need to issue coins on a one-click coin issuance platform, I recommend PandaTool. PandaTool is a Web3 tool based on blockchain, and its Chinese name is: Panda Assistant. This platform has many token mechanisms, including LP dividends, LP mining, referral rewards, manual opening, blacklist, address fission, etc. You can combine them by yourself to meet most needs.

In addition, PandaTool has also recorded detailed tutorials for different contracts, which are very friendly to novice users and easy to learn.

2. Seek technical cooperation

If the contract you need is more complicated and you cannot find a suitable token mechanism on the one-click coin issuance platform, and you want someone to answer your questions one-on-one, it is best to find a technical partner.

You think about your contract requirements, and then the technician will give you a quote. Both parties confirm some details, and then you can start cooperation after payment. It should be noted here that you don’t usually pay the full amount. Usually you pay half first, and the remaining half will be paid after the token is successfully issued.

With this kind of cooperation plan, you don't have to worry about the technology not accepting it. Because the technology has your contractual authority, if you don't pay, he won't give you the authority. In this way, both parties have a way to check and balance each other, which is more appropriate.

In addition, you may also worry about loopholes in the contract written by the technical staff. In this case, after writing the contract, you need to find an auditing agency to review it for peace of mind. In addition, the contract detection of Ave and Goplus is also useful.

2. Project Fundraising - Pre-sale

Pre-sale is a must before a project is launched. Of course, if you are just setting up a local market, you can open the market directly without pre-sale, which is not a big deal. If you want to pre-sell, there are several ways:

1. Third-party pre-sale platform

Generally speaking, many people will choose to pre-sell on third-party pre-sale platforms, such as Pink, Green Horse, etc. The advantage of using these platforms for pre-sale is that the contract is absolutely safe, there will be no problems, and the cost is low. For a BSC chain contract, the Pink pre-sale fee only requires 1 BNB and 6% of the pre-sale funds. Uh... it doesn't seem to be very cheap. However, this kind of platform is well-known and has a certain boost to the project.

Of course, this platform also has disadvantages. To use the pink pre-sale, 51% of the pre-sale funds must be put into the pool and the pool must be locked. This is actually not as good as pre-sale by yourself, which is more convenient for controlling funds.

2. Build your own pre-sale DAPP

In addition to using pre-sale platforms such as Pink and Green Horse, you can also build a pre-sale DAPP yourself. The corresponding rules of your own platform are much more flexible. You can set invitation rewards, set the time for airdrop distribution, set tiered tokens, etc., which makes it more convenient for you to play. There are generally two approaches to this kind of DAPP: server approach and contract approach.

Server method: When users pre-sell, they transfer U to the wallet address of the project party through the DAPP front end. When withdrawing coins, the server script calls the wallet to transfer coins to the user, and the whole process does not go through the contract. For the project party, the advantage is that it is simple and fast. For users, it is not safe, and the project party can run away with the money at any time.

Contract approach: When users pre-sell, they transfer USDT to the contract address through the DAPP front-end and pay a gas fee. When users receive pre-sale tokens, they call the contract through the front-end, pay the gas fee, and the contract transfers the tokens to them. This is a pure contract approach. Even if the DAPP is closed, users can go to the browser to call the contract to receive tokens, which is more decentralized.

No matter what project you are working on, you must have your own icon/logo. If you don’t even have a logo, people will think you are just a cheap coin. If your token icon can be displayed on all major platforms, it proves that your project is powerful. So, on which platforms should your logo be displayed? Here is a brief explanation.


Ave is a data aggregation platform, and many users use it to check the market and projects. After the project is launched, your tokens will also be displayed. Having a logo is crucial for the promotion of the project.

  • Logo fee: 300U+

2. Logo on TP wallet

TP wallet is a multi-chain wallet that is frequently used by Chinese people. This wallet will not actively capture the logo of the token. You need to apply for it through the Github homepage of TP wallet. If the token has an icon in TP wallet, it is still very valuable.

  • Logo fee: 600U+

3. Logo on blockchain browser

Displaying the logo in the blockchain browser has a certain effect on increasing the value of the token, at least it looks like a legitimate project. However, few users will check it in the browser, so the value of this is a matter of opinion.

  • Logo fee: 1000U+

4. Logo on pancake

PancakeSwap is the largest decentralized exchange on the BSC chain. When users exchange tokens, they can find out which coins have logos and which coins do not. Basically, most projects do not have logos. In short, having a logo is definitely better than not having one. However, it is not easy to get a pancake logo, and the project requirements are relatively high.

  • Logo fee: 1000U+

5. Double C included

The double C refers to CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, which are the world's top two cryptocurrency data platforms. If your token project can be included in these two platforms, it means that it is already very formal. The application is difficult, the requirements are high, and the cost is high. It is suitable for projects with strong funds.

  • Logo fee: 2000U+

  • Importance: Not very important

4. Project Voice - Community

A serious project must have its own Twitter account, Telegram community, etc., which will help to establish its own voice channel and private traffic. After all, your users should have a gathering place, and the Telegram group is a good private traffic group. In order to build your own community, you need to do the following:

1. Account preparation

You can register a Twitter account or Telegram account by yourself through your mobile phone number or email. However, many project owners are concerned about privacy issues, so you need to spend money to buy an account.

2. Increase fans and interact with them

After buying the account, no one may be willing to interact in the early stage. At this time, you need to buy some fans yourself and make some fake data to create a good popularity, so as to attract more people to join.

5. Project Marketing - Promotion and Distribution

Marketing and promotion play a big role in whether a token project can be successful. If the marketing is done well and the promotion is in place, users will know about it and be willing to play. The promotion of the project mainly includes the following contents:

1. Official website production

The official website is the face of a project. Without an official website, users will think that the project will not last long. With an official website, users can learn about your project through the website, such as the project team, roadmap, etc., which gives users confidence.

2. Big V calls for orders

There are many so-called big Vs on Twitter now. They will take on the work of project promotion. If you pay them, they will recommend projects for you. As for the effect, there are some, but not very many. It is not easy to judge which big Vs are real big Vs and which are fake big Vs, which are useful and which are useless. Of course, the cost is not low.

3. White Paper

White papers are important because they are the most comprehensive and authoritative interpretation documents of a project’s technical principles, token distribution methods, team members, development plans, partners, etc. They are also not important because many users may not spend time studying them and your white paper may not be read.

4. News releases

Occasionally publishing news articles about your project on some authoritative media is helpful to enhance the brand image of your project. Think about it, if Golden Finance reports on your project, does it mean that your project is relatively strong? Including Mytoken, Feixiaohao,, etc., are all authoritative media in the cryptocurrency circle. It is very valuable to promote articles on these platforms.

5. Short videos

If you have sufficient funds, you can make some short videos with foreigners involved, which will also help promote your project. Such videos usually last from a few dozen seconds to 2 minutes, with a foreigner introducing your project, and then adding some pictures, backgrounds, etc., to make the project look very international.

VI. Conclusion

Generally speaking, it is not easy to successfully operate and manage a Tugou project. First of all, the foundation of the project is very important. You need to understand the technology of issuing coins. You can choose to use a one-click coin issuance platform or seek technical cooperation to ensure the security of the token contract and meet the needs. Pre-sale is a key step in project fundraising. You can choose a third-party pre-sale platform or build a pre-sale DAPP yourself, and pay attention to fund control and security.

In addition, the display of project icons is also very important, including displaying logos on data aggregation platforms, wallets, blockchain browsers, etc., to increase the credibility of the project. The purpose of establishing a community is to establish a voice channel and private domain traffic, and users can be attracted to participate by purchasing accounts and increasing interactions. Finally, the marketing and promotion of the project is the key, including the construction of an official website and cooperation with big Vs for promotion.

Selecting coins is our strong point, making money is just a side job, the password will be announced in my circle of good friends. My avatar, take a look at my information. Let's communicate together.

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