How to solve the curse of being trapped as soon as you buy and rising as soon as you sell?

There are indeed some seemingly incomprehensible phenomena in the currency circle that confuse many investors. The feeling of "being trapped as soon as you buy" you mentioned is not that the dealer specifically targets you personally, but that there may be problems with market fluctuations and investment strategies.

First of all, it should be clear that there is no dealer in the market who specifically stares at your account to make you stop loss or blow up your position. The fluctuation of the market is jointly determined by the buying and selling behavior of many investors, not by a certain individual. Therefore, your illusion of being "targeted" may come from unfamiliarity with the market and lack of investment strategy.

In order to avoid frequent stop loss and blow up, you can try to think about the problem from the perspective of the dealer. The dealer usually has a more comprehensive market vision and a longer-term investment vision. They not only focus on short-term price fluctuations, but also pay more attention to the long-term value and market potential of the project. Therefore, when formulating an investment strategy, you can try to analyze market trends and project prospects from a more macro perspective, rather than just focusing on short-term price fluctuations.

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