#新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #山寨季何时到来?

What is the meaning of studying hard?

Share the story of an old man who is about to reach the end of his life.

Three years ago, my grandfather, who had never been to school for a day, was tortured by cor pulmonale for eight years. He pulled out his nasal tube in the hospital by himself, ignored the pleas of his three uncles who were kneeling in a row beside the bed, and forced himself to be discharged.

After the ambulance sent him home, he sat on the canvas chair he made by himself, calmly explained his affairs, called me to his side and said, different, what is this cor pulmonale? It has been several years, and I still don’t understand it.

I took out my mobile phone and searched for cor pulmonale, told him the full name of the disease and what are the symptoms. Every time I said a symptom, he laughed and said, yes, yes, yes, that’s right.

After I finished reading, he asked again, what is the reason why this disease finally "kills" people?

My nose was sore when I heard it, and I couldn’t bear to read it anymore.

Grandpa looked at me and said, "Child, read it. What's the matter?" I hesitated for a while and said, "Multiple organ failure." Grandpa nodded and murmured, "It sounds very powerful." After a moment of silence, he squinted his eyes and looked at the Spring Festival couplets posted on the door frame opposite and said to me, "Do you young people still write couplets now?" I nodded and said, "Some people do." Grandpa turned his head to look at me, stretched out his hand and asked me to help him up, and then asked grandma to bring glasses and paper and pen. A room full of people gathered around, and someone hurriedly brought a small table. Grandpa ignored them, put on his glasses, hunched his back, put the book on his knees, and wrote a couplet stroke by stroke with trembling hands---"The separation of Yin and Yang can resist the grief"--"The sufferings of the world can be eliminated in heaven"--"After reading it, I said, "Grandpa, this seems to be...used at funerals." Grandpa took off his glasses and said, "Yes, this is the elegiac couplet I wrote for myself." When the couplet was circulated around the room, my grandfather said to me, do you think it is better to use three water drops for the character "消" or the character "消" with a gold radical?

Before I could say anything, he suddenly got excited and asked my grandmother to help him get the worn-out Xinhua Dictionary.

After getting the dictionary, he first coughed hard and spit out a mouthful of phlegm, then adjusted his glasses, put his right index finger on his tongue with some saliva, and turned the pages of the dictionary one by one, looking solemnly like a primary school student who was looking up a dictionary for the first time.

He searched for ten minutes. After finding the result, he took the paper back, crossed out the word "消", and wrote the word "消" next to it. After writing, he looked at it for a while, and then said, "Well, that's right."

Half an hour later, he couldn't sit still and lay on the bed.

An hour later, he drank a small bowl of porridge.

Two hours later, he began to talk nonsense.

Four hours later, after saying a few simple syllables, his mouth closed gently, his head tilted slightly, and he passed away peacefully. He was 81 years old.

I don't actually know what the meaning of studying hard is.

It's just that day when I saw my dying grandfather sitting in the dim light, hunched over, squinting his eyes, and devoutly trying to figure out the difference between the two Chinese characters like completing a ritual, I forgot the sadness and forgot to think about how to please and comfort him in the last moments of his life. I just felt that the pores all over my body suddenly opened up, and a warm current surged in my heart.

At that moment, I didn't feel that he was my relative or my elder. I was just glad that I could see a life that faced death without fear or panic, and was still full of curiosity at the end of life.

I don't know if I am studying hard, but at least at this moment, I still have enough interest in everything unknown, and I am full of respect and yearning for those who are desperate to explore the unknown.

In the foreseeable future, it is impossible for humans to understand life and death and eternity, but in the end, I still want to know more, see more, and squeeze the area of ​​the gray area in the world as much as possible, so that it becomes black and white, and right and wrong can be seen.

If death is a mirror, then I hope that one day, when I face myself in the mirror, I can be like my grandfather, without shame, resentment or anger. Only in this way can I really live up to every choice I made in the past, every word I said, and every person I loved.