#美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛

Online beats offline | The golden age of network marketing

Every technological breakthrough is accompanied by the innovation of marketing methods

Today, we are standing in the golden age of network marketing. Let's analyze it below

1. Changes in user habits

The popularity of mobile Internet has led to a surge in the number of Internet users around the world. According to statistics in 2023, the number of Internet users worldwide has exceeded 4 billion. What does this mean? One out of every two people is an Internet user! Among them, more than 80% of users are accustomed to accessing the Internet through mobile phones

Such changes in user habits provide a huge potential customer base for network marketing

2. Quantification of effects and instant feedback

In the past, the effect of advertising was often difficult to quantify. Now, through online promotion, every investment can find a clear return. Data shows that the return on investment of online promotion is more than 3 times that of traditional advertising. Moreover, through real-time data feedback, advertisers can adjust strategies immediately to ensure that every penny is spent on the right things. 3. Borderless communication. Internet marketing is not restricted by geography. As long as there is a network, information can be transmitted to every corner of the world. Data shows that the countries with the highest Internet penetration rate in the world have reached 94%! This means that as long as your information is online and unrestricted, it is possible to reach 94% of the world's population. 4. Deep interaction with users. The rise of social media has established a closer connection between brands and users. Through Internet marketing, brands can not only convey information, but also interact deeply with users and establish emotional connections. Data shows that 90% of users prefer to choose products that have emotional connections with brands. The golden age of Internet marketing is not only due to the advancement of technology, but also because it meets the needs of modern people. It allows advertisers to find potential customers more accurately and see returns on every investment. At the same time, it also builds a bridge for deep interaction between brands and users.