There is a psychologist who uses plain language to reveal the seven psychological secrets deep inside men.

Everyone must watch to the end. No matter whether you are a man or a woman, you will definitely gain something after listening to it.

Male compatriots can verify whether this is the case, and women can also better control men by grasping these characteristics.

The first secret is that men don’t really care whether a woman has money or not.

This is fundamentally different from women.
Many of us women still pay great attention to a man's money, but men are indeed different in this regard.

But he will definitely care about how you treat him after he spends money on you.

In other words, he invested in you, what did he get in return?

Are you treating him better, worshipping him more, or are you still indifferent? This is what he cares about most.

The second secret is that when a man sees a beautiful woman,

There is always a surge of possessiveness deep in the heart, and this is an instinctive attribute of all men.

Male compatriots can think about it and ask themselves whether this is true.

But different people will get different results. Some people can control their desires, while others cannot.

So the psychologist's advice to women is not to try to fight against a man's instinctive attributes.
It is normal to have lustful thoughts.

As long as he can control his desires,
Then this man is yours. On the contrary, if you can't control yourself,

Then the woman can choose to leave or quit, and don't try to change him because that is almost impossible.

The third secret: most men like women who are petite or willing to show weakness.

Even if this kind of weakness is fake and you are pretending, he will be very happy.

Because this fully satisfied his self-esteem and made him feel very great and tall.

On the contrary, if you argue with him, even if you are right, he will be very repulsive to you.

So you will find that in reality men seem to prefer green tea.

The fourth secret is that if there were no restrictions on monogamy,

Every man longs for a life like an emperor, with three wives and four concubines. This is a desire hidden deep in the hearts of all men and is also his biological instinct.

The fifth secret is that whether a man likes you or not is absolutely determined by your appearance, such as your looks, temperament, and outfit.

As for spiritual things like knowledge, education, thinking, height, etc., he actually rarely cares about them.

The sixth secret is that men prefer women who take the initiative. Some women meet men they like.

I always act very reserved and never take the initiative. I always feel that if I take the initiative, I will appear frivolous.
Men might not like that.

In fact, it is just the opposite. There is an old saying that goes, "When a man pursues a woman, there is a mountain between them; when a woman pursues a man, there is a layer of gauze between them."

How many women have you seen who would throw themselves into a man's arms? They will basically succeed.

Moreover, an important reason why men are fickle is often because the women around them are too boring.

The seventh secret: Men’s kindness to women can basically be divided into two levels.

At the first level, he treats you well because of your body. At this point it is far from being love; it is just a desire at best.

Whether he really loves you as a person depends on whether he can jump to the second level. If he gets you,

But if he still continues to be nice to you, then this man is the one who truly loves you.

Do you agree with the psychologist's statement?

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