Many novice traders often feel extremely anxious during market fluctuations. In fact, there is no need to make themselves so exhausted.

Don't start worrying when the market price fluctuates and there is a temporary floating loss when buying. When the transaction starts to make a profit, you are still anxious, fearing that the profit will suddenly withdraw.

Even if the profit accumulates to a certain extent, when the market falls, anxiety still accompanies them, fearing that the profit will disappear.

And when the big correction ends and the market rises again, they still can't rest assured, worrying that the profit they just made will disappear again due to the market decline. This constant worry seriously affects their mood and even affects their daily life, making them unable to sleep at night.

From another perspective, trading can actually be easier.

When the market falls, you might as well regard it as an opportunity, an opportunity to get chips at a lower price.

The decline is just a squat of the market, accumulating strength for a stronger rise in the future.

When the market rises, it's even simpler - just enjoy the joy of profit, and even reward yourself with a good meal.

Trading is a marathon, not a 100-meter sprint. Only by keeping a calm mind and enjoying every process of trading can you go further in this marathon.

I wish you to complete your capital accumulation in the currency circle. You are also welcome to click on my avatar to see the main leaf.

Junyangli publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day.

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