Although the market has shown signs of rebounding, don't be too happy too soon!

Because unemployment data may become a "time bomb" that changes the market,

The initial unemployment data for the week will be released tonight, which is undoubtedly a thrilling "data storm"!

The release of the data will be like a boulder thrown into the center of a lake, causing a huge uproar in the market.

The market during the day may be swept by this fluctuation, and shocks will become the main theme. Is it a blessing or a curse?

Is it rising or falling?

Everything will be revealed at the moment the data is released!

In the market, we must remain calm, keep an eye on all directions, and listen to all directions.

Only by grasping every key data and understanding every subtle change can we be as stable as Mount Tai in the waves of the market and turn danger into safety.

Recently, we are also preparing to lay out some potential spot.

Those who like spot contracts can follow and see the strength.

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