The listing of Ethereum ETF has entered the countdown,

This is undoubtedly a major event in the cryptocurrency market!

According to internal sources, we may receive the latest progress on Ethereum spot ETF on July 2, and the feedback from the SEC to various institutions also shows that there are not many parts that need to be adjusted.

This means that the Ethereum spot ETF may be approved for listing at any time, and a financial storm is coming!

Imagine what a spectacular scene it will be when the Ethereum spot ETF is open for trading on the US stock market!

We will witness this moment at the latest in September this year.

By then, funds from traditional financial institutions and investors will flood into this market, and the price of Ethereum is bound to set off a wave of storms!

The listing of Ethereum spot ETF is equivalent to opening a door to a legal and regulated investment channel for Ethereum.

This will enable more funds to flow into the market in a way that is considered safer, which is expected to drive the price of Ethereum to soar.

The regulatory guarantee and the liquidity and transparency of the ETF will further enhance the market's trust and visibility in Ethereum.

Not only that, the staking characteristics of Ethereum itself and DeFi on the chain will also attract more investors who are not satisfied with the traditional market. They will be attracted by the high returns of Ethereum and join this financial carnival!

It is reported that although the attractiveness of Ethereum spot ETF is slightly less than that of Bitcoin, it may still attract up to $3 billion in net inflows in 2024.

If the approved version allows staking, this figure may even exceed $6 billion! This will be an unprecedented feast of funds!

Although Ethereum's growth has not been as good as Bitcoin since the beginning of this year, it does not prevent it from soaring after the spot ETF is opened for trading!

Various signs show that in the second half of the year, Ethereum has the opportunity to outperform Bitcoin with the help of spot ETFs and become the leader of the cryptocurrency market!

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