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This week we have two key deadlines for ETH ETF applications from VanEck and ARK. In fact, one only needs to keep an eye on the outcome of VanEck’s application on May 23rd, as we can assume that decisions will be made on all other ETH ETF applications on the same day, just as we had a decision on the BTC ETF in January. If VanEck’s application is rejected, all other applications may also be rejected, if it is delayed, all other applications will also be delayed, and so on. The market generally believes that the ETH ETF will not be approved in May. Since this consensus has been formed in the past few weeks, the rejection has also been priced in, which is why I don’t think such a decision will lead to a big market correction. Maybe a short-term overreaction, but not a long-term one. On the other hand, since the market expected the rejection weeks ago, the approval may not be a sell-off news event like the BTC ETF, but instead will lead to a big rally and a reversal in ETH/Bitcoin. This is also bullish for alts. As I said before, even if the ETH ETF is rejected in May, I don’t think they will be rejected by the SEC forever. BlackRock has only received 1 ETF application rejection, and the recent news of JPMorgan or Wells Fargo holding BTC ETFs confirms the huge institutional demand for cryptocurrency-related ETFs. Once the ETF is approved, there is a large amount of institutional funds ready to flow into ETH.

This week we have two key deadlines for ETH ETF applications from VanEck and ARK. In fact, one only needs to keep an eye on the outcome of VanEck’s application on May 23rd, as we can assume that decisions will be made on all other ETH ETF applications on the same day, just as we had a decision on the BTC ETF in January. If VanEck’s application is rejected, all other applications may also be rejected, if it is delayed, all other applications will also be delayed, and so on.

The market generally believes that the ETH ETF will not be approved in May. Since this consensus has been formed in the past few weeks, the rejection has also been priced in, which is why I don’t think such a decision will lead to a big market correction. Maybe a short-term overreaction, but not a long-term one. On the other hand, since the market expected the rejection weeks ago, the approval may not be a sell-off news event like the BTC ETF, but instead will lead to a big rally and a reversal in ETH/Bitcoin. This is also bullish for alts.

As I said before, even if the ETH ETF is rejected in May, I don’t think they will be rejected by the SEC forever. BlackRock has only received 1 ETF application rejection, and the recent news of JPMorgan or Wells Fargo holding BTC ETFs confirms the huge institutional demand for cryptocurrency-related ETFs. Once the ETF is approved, there is a large amount of institutional funds ready to flow into ETH.

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为何我如此坚信牛市? 我已经经历了完整的牛熊周期 此刻,市场的脉动在我心中跃动,深知我们正身处于中期牛市的节奏中。然而,春节期间的行情,那种过度狂热,犹如烟花般瞬间绚烂又短暂,3-4月却给新手们带来了不小的伤害。 尤其对那些刚刚进入市场,未曾历经风雨的新人们,我由衷希望他们不要因突如其来的牛市而迷失方向。 为何我认为这是中期牛市的序曲? ETF的浪潮方兴未艾,尚未达到高潮;许多国家已将其纳入法规;美国大选,我深知美联储的责任与使命,即让经济焕发活力,而隐秘的货币印刷机,正是其潜在武器,成为牛市的助推器。 这一次,虽不张扬,但效果依然显著。 加密货币和美股市场之间别具一格,但ETF的引领作用,正吸引着资金如潮水涌入。 尽管有所波动,但长期趋势仍然稳固。 人民币贬值,但面对美元,它依旧坚挺。 推动牛市的催化剂 ,ETF的盛行、全球法规的推动、美国大选前景、资金的流动、图表的展望、美元的坚定—所有这些因素,都是推动牛市向前发展的力量。 而我最为信赖的,仍是即将到来的美国大选。 在这牛市的浪潮中, 我们把握好节奏就是成功的关键。 把握时机、理解价值、制定个人的投资组合规划。 这一轮行情需要我们保持警觉,而非盲目跟风。 走在正确的道路上,稳扎稳打方能事半功倍。

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