Ethereum has changed its previous sluggishness today and regained its second place in the web3 world with 18% today. Vitalik’s roadshow call finally worked, and Sun Ge’s all-in finally recovered and turned into floating profits.

Ethereum's performance in the first half of the year was really surprising. Its market share and followers were eroded by the later Jin public chain Sol. Solona and its Wall Street godfather are trying to catch up. Yesterday, I privately made a trick and exchanged 80% of my Bitcoin for Sol. It seems that impulse is really the devil. I thought Sol would always increase more than Bitcoin, but I didn't know that this was really a typical leek mentality. I tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep. I thought I shouldn't betray my beliefs, so I changed back to Bitcoin.

I didn't want to say it, but isn't this the greed of the leeks? From the perspective of K-line analysis, I changed back to 80% because it is irrational to change positions. I have said countless times that the correct posture is to win by lying down. Just lie down, why bother toss and turn. Just like pressing a ball floating in the water, it is not easy to step on the right beat while paying attention to one thing and losing another.

I am not a fan of ETH, but I will mention ETC like a dog every time. Careful friends can notice that I like ETC much more than ETH. ETC also rose by more than 10% today. I sat in the car with a full position and did not move at all. The reason why I was fully loaded a few days ago was that I saw that the market had a signal of moving out of the sideways fluctuation, so I chose to go up. So the point I expressed yesterday was that the market had to find the top again, and it was likely to reach a new high before the end of the month.

If you haven't gotten on board yet and ask me, I can only tell you to take a look at uni or dot. Maybe there is still an opportunity to enter one of them.

If you look back tomorrow summer, the prices of houses below 73,000 may be very cheap. I am saying this in advance. I don't know whether China's real estate market has collapsed, but I seem to have heard that the down payment of buyers has dropped from 30% many years ago to 15%.

This is leveraging up to the maximum to make the poor take over. Don't take out loans to buy houses. Those who buy will regret it. The steel and concrete bubble that has been blown for so many years is just an emperor's new clothes. Whoever buys it will pay a tax on their IQ. I saw someone say that this is like a 30-centimeter trap in grid fishing, but now it has been changed to a 15-centimeter trap. Isn't this a halving of the down payment for real estate? Why don't I see anyone rushing to take over?

When the house price drops to 0 down payment, it will be your chance to buy at the bottom. It is still too early. This proves that there is still a lot of room for economic downturn and the depression will continue for many years. Take advantage of the blockchain bull market as soon as possible, and use the quantitative team and over-the-counter brokers to make more cash flow to support you to get ashore earlier. If the leeks still fight against Wall Street institutions alone, there is no chance of winning and no future.

If you want to know why Ethereum is gaining momentum from a technical perspective, and why the USD 3111 level is the trigger point for the market, I will not give you the macro-fundamental reasons, as those are superficial and hindsight. If you want to explore the essence of the matter, know the reason, draw inferences from one example, and integrate the knowledge, then you will find the answer in my 4 trading strategy video courses.

Now there are 4 lessons, each 50 minutes of video, full of practical information, teaching you how to use indicator signals, including moving average tactics, bull-catching tactics, bull-bear tactics, and Bollinger band tactics. After learning these 4 lessons, you will know how to choose coins and how to find the opportunity to buy at the bottom. Now it only takes 599 red envelopes, and the price will continue to increase in the future. The current course satisfaction is 99.99%, and the currency circle has a first-class community technology with a cost-effectiveness. Whoever learns will no longer be a leek being cut by the dog dealer all day long. It is actually a matter of minutes to turn a novice into a big boss in the currency circle.

Learning how to create a self-media account is useless. You can see that the singer Guo Youcai became popular instantly. He is also in Shandong, so why didn’t he go to the seafood place to learn singing 🎤. Schools don’t teach you how to make money. Only the team leader can really teach you how to make money, and at a very low price. If you don’t like to study, then let’s do Ai quantitative together. There is always a service suitable for you! I love retail investors as much as I love myself. . . . . .