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You can never make money beyond your cognition. The sooner you know this truth, the better. We can never make money beyond your cognition, unless you rely on luck, but the money earned by luck will often be lost by strength in the end. This is inevitable. Every penny you earn is the realization of your cognition of the world, and every penny you lose is because your cognition of the world is flawed. Therefore, the greatest fairness in this world is that when a person's wealth is greater than his cognition, this society will have a hundred ways to harvest you until your cognition and wealth match. It is said that "the only way to relieve worries is to get rich suddenly", but getting rich suddenly is something you can encounter but not seek, unless you win millions in the lottery, or your home is suddenly demolished and you become a rich household. Most people in the world still make money by their own knowledge and ability, and very few can rely on luck. Just like the stock god Buffett, the profit of an investment can be said to be good luck, but can the long-term annual return be maintained at more than 20% by luck? This is closely related to his "cognition" of the stock market. Ma Yun's success is not just based on luck, but also on the grasp of timing and a certain understanding of market development. Otherwise, even if the opportunity comes, without that understanding, you will not be able to see it or grasp it. #ETH #BTC

You can never make money beyond your cognition. The sooner you know this truth, the better.

We can never make money beyond your cognition, unless you rely on luck, but the money earned by luck will often be lost by strength in the end. This is inevitable. Every penny you earn is the realization of your cognition of the world, and every penny you lose is because your cognition of the world is flawed. Therefore, the greatest fairness in this world is that when a person's wealth is greater than his cognition, this society will have a hundred ways to harvest you until your cognition and wealth match.

It is said that "the only way to relieve worries is to get rich suddenly", but getting rich suddenly is something you can encounter but not seek, unless you win millions in the lottery, or your home is suddenly demolished and you become a rich household.

Most people in the world still make money by their own knowledge and ability, and very few can rely on luck.

Just like the stock god Buffett, the profit of an investment can be said to be good luck, but can the long-term annual return be maintained at more than 20% by luck? This is closely related to his "cognition" of the stock market. Ma Yun's success is not just based on luck, but also on the grasp of timing and a certain understanding of market development. Otherwise, even if the opportunity comes, without that understanding, you will not be able to see it or grasp it.


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劲爆,孙哥宣布投资贾跃亭。贾老板下周回国。 孙哥,永远是加密世界的话题人物。 从社媒上的吸睛言论,到个人生活的轶闻趣事,每一个小点都吸引着大家的好奇。 近日,波场创始人孙宇晨认为要给贾跃亭机会,并宣称其个人愿意投资贾跃亭做一个新的个人IP化公司。 至于原因,孙宇晨称个人觉得贾跃亭的思想非常超前,非常多的企业以及创业者,包括自己以前都是学习乐视走过来的。 同时,孙宇晨还提出了自己的策划小要求:想变成一个创业真人秀,将创业者公司的账户公开透明化,每场活动或直播赚了多少钱,以及支出的方向和金额,大家能实时观看。 近日,某博主与孙宇晨展开了一场两个半小时的对话,话题从他打算投资贾跃亭的IP电商公司,到江湖传说里的椰子鸡趣事。 以下截取部分孙宇晨交流内容: 你为什么会说乐视会像苹果,是因为乐视在鼓吹的生态概念吗? 孙宇晨: 我觉得几点,第一点是其实A股上市公司普遍互联网这个板块的质量不是特别高,因为很多知名公司由于架构问题,无法在中国大陆资本市场上市。 当时绝大多数的公司无论是从互联网思维,还是整体调性,都跟乐视没法比。乐视像苹果一样在打造全生态,他从内容和电视起家之后,意图模仿苹果和特斯拉,希望在手机和电动车等板块发展。那个时候我们觉得乐视在中国A股资本市场是唯一有资源做成这样事的公司。 乐视股价当时涨得也很高,因为主流机构和投资者都很相信乐视的故事。乐视的产品也还算不错,但后来发生了很多问题,我觉得最大的问题还是资源分配出现了很大问题。举个例子,乐视体育花了5亿买了香港英超的转播权,但后来发现其实在香港没有转播英超的权限。 很多人说贾跃亭是骗子,你怎么看? 孙宇晨: 首先,我不认为贾跃亭是骗子。如果他说是因为他获得大量资源后转为个人享受,而不是投入到公司实际经营中,那确实是骗子。但我认为他是认真做事的,他会把资源投入到他要做的事情上。能不能成功是另一回事。我知道社会上对他质疑很大,尤其是财务透明的问题,所以我认为如果贾跃亭再创业,财务透明是最重要的,因为社会公众在这方面对他丧失了信心。 你对骗子的定义是什么? 孙宇晨: 我认为真正的骗子是那些获得公众资金后迅速消失,躲避追查的人。我认识很多这样的骗子,他们获取了公众的资金后迅速销声匿迹,甚至假死。但贾跃亭不是这种骗子,他是获得资源后认真投入到事业中的人。 还以那句话,想入 木寸 的,跟上我,不定期的密码无偿分享,点开我头像,认真看我资料找到我进 木寸 。 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
山寨季要启动了,推荐一个百倍筹码,耐心拿好。 行情逐渐回暖!围绕山寨炒作热点布局!耐心持有筹码! 重点推荐:ONDO,也是我一直重点推荐的优质标的,0.1机喊伙伴们上车,目前1.3左右。总体十倍有余 为什么看好ONDO 作为RWA板块龙头,背靠莱德,本身就自带光芒 简单说说看好RWA赛道的逻辑: 本轮牛市毫无疑问是机构牛,背后主力推手是贝莱德为首的Old Money们,我们可以看到贝莱德要在crypto市场做的不仅仅是BTC的ETF,其他加密资产的配置,以及让加密资产灵活化成为美债美股的流动性是一个重要的发展方向,同时这也一定是美国资本愿意看到的。 4月中旬的回调,大部分山寨几乎腰斩,而为数不多能在5月创出新高的币种中,ONDO 作为RWA龙头体现出其非常强大的潜力,以及背后隐藏的强劲购买力,同时龙头ONDO的每次有力上涨,都能带动出很好的板块效应,这点尤为重要。 可以看到越来越多的crypto项目,开始往RWA概念上去靠拢做文章,LINK也好、JUP也罢、甚至还有蹭JPmorgen的HBAR RWA整体板块,并不是一个暴涨暴跌的走法,可以看到其中更多时间在做蓄力,我理解这表现出整体板块依旧处在价值发现的阶段,离炒作泡沫期还有相当的路程,让我看到了板块的强劲潜力。 还以那句话,想入 木寸 的,跟上我,不定期的密码无偿分享,点开我头像,认真看我资料找到我进 木寸 。 #5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析

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