I said you have no vision, and I really have no vision at all, you are petty and narrow-minded. Today he messed with me again, this little black animal from the sea, he has no sense of humor, he is addicted to complaining about me.

Come on, I will only eat squid from now on. Can I change my name to Brother Squid and associate with the East Evil and the West Poison? I really despise it. You follow me, which only means you are a little black fan of mine. Unfortunately, I really don't like seafood. When you come to me for a drink, I will treat you to seafood and give you a bottle of Tibetan wine to help you replenish your ginseng.

The market direction is very clear, that is, bullish. Even if there is a small correction today, it cannot stop the bullish momentum. I think the possibility of being cheated by the dog dealer this time is very small, the trend is very healthy, I am sitting in the car with a full position, calm and relaxed. That's why I have the mind to prepare grilled squid to eat.

I started chatting with you after your image collapsed. It's not me who brought you down from the altar as the leader of Tik Tok. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame that bitch Baidu for not recognizing you after pulling up her pants. You didn't wipe your mouth clean after bragging, and a transparent sticky liquid flowed from the corner of your mouth. Be careful next time you do something fishy.

Others pay for sleeping with women, but you are the opposite. You sleep with others and still ask them for tuition. I don't believe you are as good as me in bed, you Ouyang Feng, don't read my diary. I wrote some useful information about blockchain. I know you can't understand it, so I wrote it so superficially.

If any grandson reports me again, I will cast a spell on you. Be careful, I will hypnotize you and fight with you in your dreams at night. You are a big e-commerce internet celebrity, but you have to cross over to my small temple in the cryptocurrency circle to make trouble. It's really boring. Don't force me to live broadcast and shoot a video to reveal the little things you did when you got started. Learn from Brother T97 Xiao. He invested 5 million yuan in you and didn't say a word. You have forgotten Uncle Tai after crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

Don't learn from Wang Jiu in "Kowloon Walled City". Even if you have strong qigong and thick skin, it's useless. To put it bluntly, if a person is shameless, he is invincible. You are the perfect example. Your emotional intelligence is too low and you don't know how to value harmony. You keep asking reporters to interview you but you refuse to let them in. You are so inconsistent. Li Yizhou is much better than you, but he also ended up like that. As Squid Brother, I just want to give you Master Ma's four words: learn from your mistakes.

Don't be angry ╰ (‵ □ ′) ╯, if you get angry, I will have to buy you Herbalife health products. When you looked down on Li Yanliang, the former president of Herbalife, you angered millions of people who used milkshakes to lose weight. When it's late at night, reflect on how many people you have offended.

Don't let your PR customer service read the crazy words written by an uneducated person like me. If you argue with a madman, it can only be said that when a person is angry, he will become a mad dog and bite everyone he sees.

It's okay, I forgot to tell you what a hypnotist is. It's not about making people sleep, it's about awakening the human subconscious. Sorry 😭 I forgot you didn't go to school, and it's my fault for exposing someone's scars. Sorry, I apologize, I, Squid, do have a lower EQ than you.

As a token of my sincerity, if you are willing to have psychological consultation, I can help you with free hypnosis and psychotherapy. To help you get over this narrow-minded problem, I can give you a hypnosis past life regression worth 180,000 yuan. Of course, if you want to learn to trade cryptocurrencies from me, I still have to charge you 600 yuan of tuition, and I can't break the rules. Oh, I forgot that you may not know what "oil" means.

However, I learned from you how to lick the big brother from watching your live broadcast, but kneeling is impossible. After all, I despise money as dirt, and talking to you about feelings is like playing the lute to a cow. It's not the piano's fault, it's the cow's fault. If you come, I will not only treat you to seafood, but also give you a double-fly massage in my club, I guarantee you will be satisfied. I beg you, don't peek at my diary anymore.

You can peek, I don't want you to give me a carnival, I just ask you not to complain. To be honest, I look down on people who defend their rights the most. I am just curious why no one has come to you to defend their rights after they paid 88,000 yuan. . . . .