May 15 Crypto Options Market Research Report

Weak market, need to maintain sufficient cash flow

I. Core Views

① The overall spot market liquidity is very weak, and ETFs continue to be sluggish. It is necessary to reduce leverage and recover cash flow (as shown in the figure below



② Yesterday's decline in panic was limited, and the ETH put-side implied volatility continued to rise more than BTC

③ The decline in Sol, Ton, and Doge spot prices did not trigger an increase in implied volatility, and continued volatility reduction is ongoing. It is okay to choose to go long on volatility.

2. Option block trading

BTC block trading made a near-term 900 buy put option position

buy BTC-24MAY24-58000-P

sell BTC-31MAY24-70000-C

ETH block trading made a two-way calendar spread strategy, with a position of 3,000

buy ETH-28JUN24-2800-P + buy ETH-28JUN24-3000-C + sell ETH-31MAY24-2800-P + sell ETH-31MAY24-3000-C

Sol Doomsday round strong long directional strategy (see planet)

3. Macro market

The intraday IV and price trend of the A-share broad-based index 300 index options are more positively correlated than negatively correlated. This means that the market is at least not afraid of falling, and the core emotional worry direction is upward rather than downward.

This trend is very similar to the market sentiment at the beginning of 2019, when the market should have fallen but did not, but ended up rising sharply.