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#WLD​​​ Is the biggest scam of this cycle? Recently, the AI ​​track has performed very strongly, and WLD is also regarded by many as the leader of the AI ​​track, but some people think that WLD is the biggest scam of this cycle and a wealth transfer game for the rich! The WLD Foundation recently announced that they will sell tokens worth 200 million US dollars to relevant institutions at a discount, under the euphemism of "community allocation", which is 18% of the current WLD circulation. These discounted WLDs will benefit the foundation, and the institutions will eventually sell the tokens to the market, and retail investors will take over. Did you see the countdown? There are still 70 days and 21 hours, and the WLD supply will expand at a rate of 4% per day, unlocking + emission. Calculated at the current price, nearly 40 million US dollars per day will be put into the market. This will make institutions + WLD Foundation make a lot of money, and no project can make money like this. If you see this and are still considering buying WLD, I have nothing to say! Good AI projects, look at RNDR, LPT, they have real AI logic and core, and are basically in full circulation, without any unlocking and deception. Or like NOS, it is obtained through mining, which truly belongs to GPU computing power and brings token compensation. What do you think? #AI板块 $WLD

#WLD​​​ Is the biggest scam of this cycle?

Recently, the AI ​​track has performed very strongly, and WLD is also regarded by many as the leader of the AI ​​track, but some people think that WLD is the biggest scam of this cycle and a wealth transfer game for the rich!

The WLD Foundation recently announced that they will sell tokens worth 200 million US dollars to relevant institutions at a discount, under the euphemism of "community allocation", which is 18% of the current WLD circulation. These discounted WLDs will benefit the foundation, and the institutions will eventually sell the tokens to the market, and retail investors will take over.

Did you see the countdown? There are still 70 days and 21 hours, and the WLD supply will expand at a rate of 4% per day, unlocking + emission. Calculated at the current price, nearly 40 million US dollars per day will be put into the market. This will make institutions + WLD Foundation make a lot of money, and no project can make money like this.

If you see this and are still considering buying WLD, I have nothing to say!

Good AI projects, look at RNDR, LPT, they have real AI logic and core, and are basically in full circulation, without any unlocking and deception.

Or like NOS, it is obtained through mining, which truly belongs to GPU computing power and brings token compensation.

What do you think?

#AI板块 $WLD

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如何一眼分辨一个币圈女孩是否是捞女?! 这个世界资源永远是错配的。很多富家女都是恋爱脑,最后找了个渣男,然后以离婚了事。 我的朋友圈不少于5个。 一个上房地产老板女儿,他们的房子全国各地都有,但是女儿是的恋爱脑,喜欢上一个健身教练,老爸都要气死了,女儿更是直接奉子成婚,但是不到36个月就离婚分手,现在做单亲妈妈 一个是一个院长的女儿,找了一个黑人,把她妈妈气的高血压直接住院。 反倒是好几个外围小姐姐,找的一个比一个好。外围小姐姐不一定捞女,人家最后从良,回归家庭。 至于我认识的捞女们,一个个拿恋爱当买卖做,以感情为名骗钱的,目前还没看到一个有好人接盘的。 如何简单从一个人的朋友圈分辨一个币圈女孩是捞女或者外围:佟掌柜就来教学几招。 1. 地点飘忽不定:今天京沪杭,明天珠三角,后天三亚冲浪,下个月就是迪拜拍拍拍。 2. 朋友圈找不到异性,很多照片感觉都是有人给她拍照,但是就是看不到男的。 3. 几乎不阅读,另外肚子里全是草,对生活没啥理解,只知道吃喝玩乐。每天都在晒精致生活,感觉她生活质量很高。 4. 没有固定职业,一问就是医美,总是感觉很有钱,但是确不知道干什么的。或者问职业-和朋友开咖啡店,奶茶店,民宿,电商等,自己不用打理,完全信任交给闺蜜之类的。 请勿对号入住,其实币圈也有几个!除了漏还是漏!大家心知肚明就行了。 看破不说破 !还是好朋友!#BTC走势分析 $BTC
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探讨个话题:要把Web3的AI当Meme看么❓ 这是在WLD兴起之后开始流行的言论,很巧的是我这两天聊了AI的TAO,聊了将要上线的NOT(Meme),今天把这两个赛道结合起来聊 我很少发布Meme的内容,如我此前表达过的观点一样:我比较喜欢发一些有基本业务模型的币,就无论是不是VC,但做的事情有迹可循即可 那纯粹的Meme基本都是不在此列的,只有相对成熟的Meme,会考虑到后续“代币赋能”等动作,这是建立在有一定的社区凝聚力和经济基础之上的 📍“这也是一种自下而上的发展方式” 那Web3的AI,我这几天所了解到的多数,虽然说并不是大家预期中的OPEN AI那种非常颠覆式或是带动作用的应用,但至少也是做了OPEN AI+的业务 📍“至少在发展轨迹上,这二者无法画等号” 但足够有意思的是,当下的Web3 AI有着一个外源驱动性,也就是二级市场代币的增长,不依赖于自己的项目进展和业务驱动 📍“反倒是和OPEN AI的进展有着正相关的关系” 也就是说,OPEN AI的进展影响着Web3 AI大多数项目的进展,很多人说蹭,但有的项目确实是做承接和Chat GPT再度开发的应用市场 但真要说这种MEME性,也没有问题,最具相关性的例子就是奥特曼之于 $WLD ,这种关系也有点类似于马斯克之于DOGE 📍“被理想绑架是投机最大的阻碍” 上面的几段话,都没有核心结论,只是放了一些我所观察到的现象,要放结论的话,也可以👇🏻 (1)了解AI的可以把当下的所有Web3 AI项目作为受OPEN AI所影响的Meme (2)了解Web3各种范式的,可以在业务模型的基础上寻找与OPEN AI更多的相关性以及科技背景的资源背书 (3)纯粹的Meme玩家,也可以寻找新的Web3 AI早期项目当打土狗,博弈该项目如何蹭AI这个赛道(类似第二点) 相对来说,Web3的AI我们可能更关注的是实际能带给我们什么样的回报,当然并不排除有人希望Web3诞生颠覆性的应用,但以目前的行业气氛和体量,我觉得是不足以支持正经的科技创业团队做这件事的(长期买卖) 那在基础设施层面做功,再结合通证体系,反倒是目前Web3更容易实现和更实际的事情 例如数据的分布式,应用构建的分布式,数据训练的分布式等... #AI板块 #meme板块 #WLD​​​ $MEME

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