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I hope that 90% of traders will read what I am going to say carefully. If you lose less or no money most of the time, you will make money. Trends are not always there. Most of the time, we can only try and make mistakes. Newcomers have two characteristics. The first characteristic is that they want to make profits every day. But if you want to make profits every day, you can only do small spreads such as scalping. Scalping makes no sense. The first element is to grasp the rhythm, but over time you will find that the average profit rate is actually very low, far less than trend trading. And scalping will develop a habit of leaving the market in a hurry when you see a small return. But in my experience, many markets have proven that you are right. In fact, as long as you can hold on for a while, you will find that making money is not difficult. In fact, the main reason why you feel that you cannot strictly implement your system is that you have not experienced the benefits of resolute execution, so you must at least force yourself to do it a few times until you experience it and you will understand. Also, don't be afraid of profit taking. If too much profit is taken back in the early stage of the trend, it can only mean that this time is not a trend at all, so there is no regret. Remember, the profit is given to you by the market, not your wishful thinking. The second characteristic of newcomers is that they are reluctant to stop loss after seeing the loss. There is actually only one reason for this phenomenon, that is, they do not have enough confidence in the strategy they use. These traders cannot clearly understand where the profit point of their system is. Moreover, they do not know the maximum percentage of loss that their system can bear and the average percentage of loss. There is only one way to obtain these data, that is, you have made a long-term statistics. The longer you count, the clearer your answer will be, and naturally your confidence will be more sufficient. Again, if you don't know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar, follow the introduction, bull market spot planning, password, free sharing. I need fans, you need reference.It is better to pay attention than to guess. #BTC #ETH

I hope that 90% of traders will read what I am going to say carefully.

If you lose less or no money most of the time, you will make money.

Trends are not always there. Most of the time, we can only try and make mistakes.

Newcomers have two characteristics. The first characteristic is that they want to make profits every day. But if you want to make profits every day, you can only do small spreads such as scalping.

Scalping makes no sense. The first element is to grasp the rhythm, but over time you will find that the average profit rate is actually very low, far less than trend trading. And scalping will develop a habit of leaving the market in a hurry when you see a small return.

But in my experience, many markets have proven that you are right. In fact, as long as you can hold on for a while, you will find that making money is not difficult.

In fact, the main reason why you feel that you cannot strictly implement your system is that you have not experienced the benefits of resolute execution, so you must at least force yourself to do it a few times until you experience it and you will understand.

Also, don't be afraid of profit taking. If too much profit is taken back in the early stage of the trend, it can only mean that this time is not a trend at all, so there is no regret.

Remember, the profit is given to you by the market, not your wishful thinking.

The second characteristic of newcomers is that they are reluctant to stop loss after seeing the loss. There is actually only one reason for this phenomenon, that is, they do not have enough confidence in the strategy they use. These traders cannot clearly understand where the profit point of their system is.

Moreover, they do not know the maximum percentage of loss that their system can bear and the average percentage of loss. There is only one way to obtain these data, that is, you have made a long-term statistics. The longer you count, the clearer your answer will be, and naturally your confidence will be more sufficient.

Again, if you don't know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar, follow the introduction, bull market spot planning, password, free sharing.

I need fans, you need reference.It is better to pay attention than to guess.


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PEPE币势如破竹,未来能否超越狗狗币与柴犬? 随着MEME币风潮的兴起,市场上对于PEPE币是否能够成为2024年MEME币领域的领头羊充满了好奇与期待。 PEPE币的潜力在近期的一个案例中得到了淋漓尽致的展现:一位精明的交易员仅凭3000美元的投资,便斩获了高达4630万美元的回报。这个令人瞩目的成功案例,无疑将加密货币市场高风险、高收益的特性展现得淋漓尽致。 值得一提的是,PEPE币的这次飞跃式发展,正是在其成功登陆主流交易所,并得到了知名零售交易商Keith Gill的热烈追捧之后实现的。这一系列因素共同推动了PEPE币价值的快速增长。 现在,让我们根据最新的市值数据,来简要对比一下PEPE、SHIB和DOGE这三种MEME币的市场表现: PEPE:目前交易价格为0.00001333美元,市值稳定在约46.9亿美元左右,日交易量高达16.23亿美元。在过去的一周里,其价格上涨了26.79%。但若想与SHIB的市值持平,仍需上涨约221.8%。 SHIB:柴犬币的当前价格为0.00002553美元,市值约为150.5亿美元,每日的交易额为7.8695亿美元。从技术形态上看,它呈现出了牛旗的形态,这可能预示着未来市场将进入一段时间的盘整期。 DOGE:狗狗币的价格目前为0.1659美元,与上周相比上涨了6.87%。技术图表显示,狗狗币正显示出即将上涨的迹象,由一个对称的三角形图案所预示。然而,它目前正面临着0.1545美元的重要阻力位,同时50日指数移动平均线0.1513美元也为其提供了一定的支撑。如果能够成功突破这些阻力位,其目标价有望触及0.3美元。 那么,PEPE币究竟能否超越狗狗币和柴犬币呢? 从市场表现来看,PEPE币的市场动力主要来源于其广泛的采用和高流动性。目前,其链上活动十分活跃,拥有近6000万美元的Wrapped Ether(WETH)储备和超过22.3万名持有者,累计管理了约200万笔交易。 此外,市场情绪普遍看涨,特别是在PEPE生态系统中,大量鲸鱼的购买行为进一步预示了其牛市的潜力。 更有甚者,如果美国证券交易委员会批准现货以太ETF的上市申请,这也有可能进一步推高PEPE币的价格,反映出市场对以太坊及其相关生态的乐观预期。 虽然结果仍充满不确定性,但PEPE币的未来发展确实值得期待。 祝君在币圈也完成自己的资本积累,也欢迎点我头像看主叶入籿,,君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。 #山寨币热点 #ETH
币圈如果有人告诉你,机会大于风险,那一定是忽悠你的,千万要谨慎。 可能有人会说,我把自己的资产放到币安、欧意去理财,每年百分之10的收益不就没啥风险了? 如果你真的能够耐得住寂寞,那么确实风险很小。 但你能控制住自己么? 你进币圈是来干什么的? 你是来发财的,不是来理财的。 况且现在卡死了现金买卖出入口,你稍微动一下就极有可能封卡,所以你会为了这10个点的收益在币圈理财? 这么说吧,只要是进入币圈的,百分之99的人都是本着发财进来的。 最稳妥的老韭菜、资本、庄家,他们会投资比特币,然后去山寨币 对于这部分玩家来说,他们有成熟的投资理念和基础,所以他们在币圈确实是机会大于风险的,甚至很多人全职在币圈投资交易了。 但是对于小白来说,你进币圈就是送钱的,没错,进来就是送钱的,请牢牢记住。 币圈对于小白来说,风险无限大于机会,甚至对小白来说,没有机会只有风险。 你越想发财,那么就越没有机会。 尤其是你看到别人投资山寨币、一级项目、合约赚到钱以后,更加会控制不住自己。 总觉得我上我也行,你上你就输了。 多少人在这次熊市中亏得倾家荡产,甚至很多老韭菜都被坑的一败涂地,因为他们的上家把他们坑的体无完肤。 不经历一次牛熊转换,你很难在币圈立足。 小白有小白的亏法,老韭菜有老韭菜的亏法,而且老韭菜一旦亏,那就是百万起步的亏损。 祝君在币圈也完成自己的资本积累,也欢迎点我头像看主叶入籿,,君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。
最近,我收到了一位粉丝的分享,作为一名大学生,他在炒币的道路上遭遇了巨大的挫折。 就在前段时间的5月10日,我这位粉丝做出了一个冲动的决定。那天早上8点,他选择了开50倍的以太坊合约,投入了大约450u。仅仅半小时后,他就被爆仓了。 更糟糕的是,他使用了全仓杠杆,导致他账户里的2800多u也一并被清空,整体损失接近两万人民币。 他告诉我,他是一名大一新生,家境并不富裕。他的父母靠做点小生意将他抚养长大,无论是开小店还是摆地摊,都凝聚了父母无数的汗水和辛劳。 他也是个非常要强的孩子,从小就很少向父母伸手要钱。这次损失的两万块,竟是他从小学到大学,一点一滴积攒下来的全部积蓄。 仅仅接触炒币两个月,他就失去了所有。他告诉我,那天早上9点,他的心跳得无法平息。直到现在,每一天都像是一场噩梦,他感觉自己仿佛被一种无形的压力压得喘不过气来。 他也曾想过用剩下的2500人民币去翻盘,但最终还是理智战胜了冲动。他害怕了,真的害怕了。那种沉重的压力,仿佛一个巨大的胖子压在他的胸口,让他喘不过气来。 现在,他深感后悔。他后悔自己当初为何会做出全仓杠杆这样愚蠢的决定。他甚至用粗俗的话语自责自己。在19岁的年纪,他不得不面对自己犯下的错误,并学会承担后果。 希望能通过他的故事警示更多人:远离合约 千万不要因为一时的冲动和贪婪,而付出沉重的代价。 祝君在币圈也完成自己的资本积累,也欢迎点我头像看主叶,,君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。 #ETH #山寨币热点

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