April 30 Crypto Option Volatility Research Report

ETH is only cool for 3 seconds, and the market lacks hot spots after the ETF goes silent

I. Core Views:

1-Yesterday, Coincall launched the platform currency Call, and the current price is maintained at 0.2 U. Many players complained that the price is not high. I personally think that instead of rushing up and falling back to let many players stand guard at high positions, it is better to steadily empower and pull the market? (As shown below)

2-Recently, BTC's ETF has continued to have a net outflow. It is estimated that this is a phased action. It is necessary to observe whether it continues. If it continues, it is a configuration demand

3-The implied volatility of options continues to fall. In the absence of hot narrative stimulation in the short term, it is expected that the implied volatility will fall easily and rise hard

4-At present, the overall liquidity is not good, and the proportion of copycat targets is controlled.

2. Option block trading

BTC top 1 trading is naked buy call option position (490)

buy BTC-28JUN24-65000-C

ETH top 2 trading is naked buy call option position (3000 and 2000)

buy ETH-3MAY24-3350-C

buy ETH-31MAY24-3400-C


Published in Sol Planet

3. Macro market

I have mentioned Tesla target at least 3 times in the planet before, and also prompted spot buying below 155.

The option strategy timing recommends a combination of long-term and short-term RR strategy. If you are a private class player who has not followed, opened a US stock account, and have an understanding of Tesla, you should reflect on this wave.

There is a high probability that a new round of narratives will start in the A-share market, and ZC's boundary conditions and foreign capital allocation have been arranged in advance.

Players who have spot or option positions in the A-share market need to take a close look at my daily A-share options research report in the next few days, which details the options strategies used.