You thought Sun Yuchen flew to Dubai to attend the summit, but in fact, he might have secretly dated AnHuo's female boss. If the two of them get married, it will be the largest exchange merger in the history of blockchain. From then on, AnHuo became the largest exchange in the universe and no longer had to worry about the possibility of bankruptcy.

The above is just a joke, but isn't that how all the big conglomerates in Korean dramas get married? Singapore, the cryptocurrency industry, and the richest woman in Dubai Desert Law Firm, are a perfect match. One is good at hype, and the other is good at public relations. They are a match made in heaven. Their wealth will reach a new level. It will make the nurse Xu next door dumbfounded, and the Coinbase in the United States can't catch up.

The market seems to be stabilizing soon. Is 59,000 the bottom of this round of market cleansing? I vaguely feel that there is a force that does not want the market to fall further. It seems that there are several dealers in the B circle now, and they also have differences. A contest between Eastern and Western capital and whales is about to begin.

After Dubai 2049, there are still many roadshows and parties for big and small projects around it. Power and sex, sex and money, fame and fortune, web3 is traded everywhere. Dubai is a distribution center for blockchain practitioners from the East and the West due to its geographical location in the Middle East and visa-free policy, just like Shenzhen is a distribution center for blockchain.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for retail investors to grab bargain chips. We can only stop considering the cost. After all, the remaining BTC in the market is becoming increasingly scarce. Even in some countries with severe inflation and currency depreciation like Turkey, or bankrupt countries like Sri Lanka, countries dominated by the US dollar like Cambodia, and countries in debt crisis like Argentina, some sovereign funds may have stockpiled BTC as strategic reserves.

I am glad that I did not invest in the mining machine project in Iran, otherwise I would not be able to sleep well now, worrying that the mining machine would be destroyed if the mining machine was bombed one day. At the beginning, I was considering the situation in Iran, but I did not expect that the war would spread there so soon. It is not easy to be a web3 digital nomad. There are many opportunities, but risks are everywhere.

In fact, the market has already shown signs of going up. If you are more aggressive and use the left-side trading method, you can already buy the bottom in batches. But after communicating with a VIP big player in the exchange, he said that his way of playing is to always keep some bullets in his hand, even if there is a black swan, he is not afraid, and he can cover the spot position to lower the average price, but the premise is that the market value of the top 5 mainstream coins.

Last night, I had a two-hour voice call with an A9 boss in Dubai. He showed me a high-rise apartment with a sea view next to the Al Faith Tower. He spent more than 100 million to buy the apartment. The visual impact was quite shocking and blew up my worldview. We really can't imagine the world of the rich. It's too damn luxurious.

However, this friend's cognition is quite high, which is indeed in line with his wealth. He told me an experience. His wife went to another country in the Middle East for a trip and it was inconvenient to rent a car. He asked his assistant to buy an Alfa commercial vehicle directly in the local area. After using it, he sold it directly, with only a small loss. The thinking logic of rich people is really different from ours. What I don't understand is that the other party is so rich, but he is still desperately doing CX funds overseas online. Haha, it seems that professional habits that can really be idle and do nothing are indeed a kind of trouble.

The biggest gain from chatting with him is that he said never speculate in cryptocurrencies, if you speculate in cryptocurrencies, never speculate in short-term, if you trade, never play with contracts. He said there are two ways for people to make money: the first is to rely on ability, the second is to make money from money.

Most of the poor people in the cryptocurrency circle still want to use the second method, but their starting point is wrong. The essence is human laziness, unwillingness to be rejected, fear of failure, and always wanting to stay in the comfort zone, so they don’t take action. It reminds me of the advertising slogan of the Jordan brand that I like very much: Action, it is possible!

We need to use our abilities to make money in order to survive the bull-bear cycle. How do we acquire abilities? Follow the right circle, make the right friends, and learn the right technology. The bad nature of leeks is that they don't like to learn, so they are always trapped in a vicious cycle of being cut and cheated. We talked a lot about the trading methods of market makers and dog dealers, and many of the top-level business secrets of web3 exchanges that you may never get in touch with in your life. Who is your counterparty? When many people play a coin, they don't even understand the main routines. They just listen to a big V like Maji, a big liar, and rush in without thinking. How can they not be cut? He is essentially a scam, but many people believe it because of his Taiwanese label. Leeks are actually quite pathetic. I can accept losing money, because I am not as skilled as others and I am willing to accept the loss. But I can't accept being cheated, because that is to press my IQ into the ground and rub it hard, which is insulting. Therefore, even if I was cheated of 180,000 yuan in a project that year, I would never defend my rights, just as paying tuition.

Circles, circles, circles are very important. Tracks, tracks, tracks are very important. It suddenly dawned on me that I didn't need to waste my abilities. I could copy them to more people. The 399 private board meeting was too good to be true. Relying on quantitative tools, I can continue to build a team of 1,000 people, free up time, and double my cash flow. It's more exciting than speculating in cryptocurrencies. I like the feeling of standing on the podium and giving a speech like Yu Lingxiong. It excites me more than the asset surge of 10% a day when the big cake rises. What I pursue is the sense of accomplishment of being the center of attention. That is my talent and mission. The Ai smart trading robot is the track for the rest of the team leader's life. Are you willing to take my web3 high-speed train? The ticket is only 100 yuan, and the profit will be split 28% after the profit. All great achievers just stepped on the right beat of the times.

I won't say any more. I'm going to communicate with the team leaders on the ground. Action, only continuous action can change fate. By December this year, I believe that I can create a group of quantitative brokers with a monthly income of more than 100,000. I look forward to flying to your city to help you start the market, recruit investors and provide training. Will you be among them?