Will there be a small pin-inverted V-shaped structure near 72,000? The dog dealer will give the answer next week. It is understandable that some people question whether my short-term escape from the top is correct. After all, my operation can only be understood by Satoshi Nakamoto, and ordinary people certainly cannot understand it. Even if there is a slight risk of a decline, I will withdraw first. After all, we cannot be careless in the bull market.

The callback is of course limited, but if it can reduce some of the holding costs, why not do it? I am never afraid of being slapped in the face, because I value being beaten by the main force with real money more. The support below 61,300 US dollars is very strong, so there is no need to worry too much. I may buy it back instantly tomorrow, but there is a battle of top divergence at present, so I have to defend, safety first.

Last week's military exercise didn't scare Taiwan, but we completely scared our own cancer stocks. They killed 10,000 enemies and lost 3,000 of their own. But we didn't scare our Taiwanese compatriots, but instead caused our own stock market to collapse, with thousands of stocks hitting the limit down. I guess the stock investors were thinking 10,000 cnm in their hearts. Fortunately, I haven't played stocks recently.

There is a spectacle, the Taiwan stock market has skyrocketed. There is really no harm without comparison. They look so happy over there. They just talk big all day long. They did it once when Pelosi came. Now they are showing off their muscles again. Audiences all over the world are almost aesthetically fatigued. It's like a TV series. Before the next episode, everyone guessed that they dare not fight. Isn't this Ma Baoguo's style? He also exposed all his future fighting methods if there is a real war. Oh, I am speechless. Retail investors in the capital market have voted with their feet. It's ridiculous that there are still securities companies promoting the rise of military stocks against the trend. It's a bit ironic. You don't even look at the truth of the Shanghai Composite Index. Nearly 90% of the thousands of stocks have fallen into a shitty state.

Speaking of shit, bad news came from the cryptocurrency circle. The Shiba Inu, the prototype of Dogecoin, died. Will the leeks buy doge crazily to commemorate this emoji? So will the wealth code be in the Dogecoin that Musk loves? Remember to observe. I thought to myself, most of us live worse than a dog. If we are gone one day, will anyone remember us? Is it sad? Is it sad? I would rather be a dog in my next life. Being a human is too tiring.

Sun Yuchen is not idle at all. He is like that sea cucumber, asking the PR team to delete negative posts all day long. How dare you not show mercy when you cut the leeks? Asking people to delete posts shows how stingy Sun Yuchen is. You have the nerve to send 666 red envelopes, are you sending beggars? Look at how generous Changpeng is. The fines are tens of billions of US dollars, and you are still spending RMB. Huobi, learn from your big brother Binance, or time will forget Huobi. Web3 people would rather respect that emoji dog than Sun Ge, a wanderer on a small island.

A new batch of graduates will soon be exiled to society. 12 million people will come to join the roll and grab each other's jobs. Don't worry, you are welcome to join the army of unemployed. If you really can't find a job, come to the cryptocurrency circle and play artificial intelligence trading with me. It's not easy to do live broadcasting. The farce of Heze's demons died before a full month. Now the Heze Railway Station is deserted, as if it was swept by locusts and there is no grass growing. Small vendors have admitted their losses and left.

People, either have a skill, that broken degree is really useless in the future. Or, know how to build a team system, new retail, social e-commerce is fine. Or know how to build a financial trading system, no matter what, gold, US stocks, cryptocurrency is fine. If you have limited ability and lack of opportunities, then sell Ai arbitrage software with me, build your own team pipeline, and you will have a steady stream of cash flow and passive interest income.

Don't care what others think of you, because when you are poor, no one will pity you and give you a penny. The place where we live is very cruel. You can only have a glimmer of hope by strengthening yourself, upgrading your network, relying on teamwork awareness, and leveraging low-threshold capital business. Most tracks are just a gust of wind and won't last long. I have been deeply involved in the quantitative field for more than three years and have not changed industries. If you taste the sweetness, you will not stop. Even if the strategy is constantly iterated, we will accompany the technical side to continue to grow, and we will have everything if we expand the market pie.

Yesterday I saw a friend who had flown to Vladivostok, Russia, to watch the Crazy Horse show and enjoy the service for one night. The budget was 20,000 yuan, while many of us are still confused and at a loss in China. It's really frustrating to compare yourself with others. The second half of the bull market has not really begun. If you are anxious, Wall Street institutions may also be anxious. We fans stick together and use AI high-tech algorithm tools to remain invincible in the blockchain world.

When the bull market peaks at the end of next year, you will always be seen in Thailand, Malaysia, Russia, and Vietnam. Everything comes from your correct decision to become a quantitative broker today. . . . . .