The 413 tragedy in the cryptocurrency circle! As long as you don't blow up your position, you have won over 95% of people (playing contracts)! How miserable is it? You may not feel it just by looking at the data. Let me give you a simple example. Last night you opened a long ARB with a three-fold leverage, and this morning when you woke up, it was directly back to zero! MMP, you should know that 3 times is already very stable. In the bull market, there are also products such as BTCUP and ETHUP, which also switch between 1-3 times, and basically will not blow up.

Congratulations to the lucky ones who still have trump cards in their hands, you have escaped a disaster. Here are some dry goods. Generally speaking, after falling, it will attract funds to buy at the bottom. The more people are bought at the bottom, the stronger the rebound will be, and the more you can see the potential of this coin.

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