What is blockchain? How to introduce blockchain in a simple and easy-to-understand way?

For example, there are 10 people in a circle. Each person has a computer and his own signature. Each computer has a ledger that records the balances and transactions of these 10 people. Every time someone in the circle makes a transaction (transfer), the ledgers on all computers (10 copies of the ledger) must be updated. The 10 copies of the ledger are synchronized at all times to confirm the completion of the transaction.

This ledger is the blockchain.

The ledger is page by page, each page is filled with transaction records, and the pages are stacked together to form a book, which is the ledger; the blockchain is block by block, each block is filled with transaction records, and they are connected together to form a chain, which is the blockchain.

For example, if A transfers 100 yuan to B, it is written in the ledgers of 10 computers: On XX/XX/XXXX, A and B made such a transaction, and A transferred 100 yuan to B. In this way, everyone in the circle knows that A's money is 100 less and B's money is 100 more.

If everyone wants to know how much money A still has, they don’t need to go to the bank to check their account, they just need to check their own account to find out; if two people want to trade, they don’t need a bank, they can directly transfer money and wait for each account book in the circle to synchronize. There is no need to confirm and query through a central authority, which is called decentralization;

Everyone can see everyone’s transaction records (transfer records) through a computer, which is called transparency

People outside the circle can see the account book, as long as you copy their account book and have your own unique signature, you can join the circle, which is called openness;

If someone wants to cheat, for example, A insists that he did not remit 100 yuan to B, and also changes his account book, this is useless, the other 9 account books all say that he remitted. Unless A tampered with 6 account books, he cannot deny it, which is the immutability of information;

Transactions between people do not require each other’s names, ID numbers, and a bunch of personal privacy things, just your signature (this signature is just a unique combination of numbers and letters, which has nothing to do with personal information), which is anonymity.

The largest circle at present is the Bitcoin circle. There are also some relatively large circles, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.

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