The private training class is full

In order to better serve the players who trust me

In order to have more time to improve myself, the subsequent private training classes will no longer recruit students

Many people think it is expensive, so you can find a cheap blogger. It is fate that players who choose to trust me. I value my personal reputation much more than these small things

I can't even afford the baby's milk powder by relying on the planet and private training classes. My main income channels are investment and trading

Doing knowledge payment and teaching is more of a "Feynman learning method" to spur yourself to keep improving

If the blogger you follow has not made any progress and your cognition has surpassed him, it is also recommended that you unfollow such a blogger. After all, in the era of information explosion, there is no shortage of information and cognition, but people and cognition that are really valuable to you.

I don't have the time and energy to do hunger marketing

It's meaningless to recruit 10 people slowly and slowly to form a group of 20-30 people

I have limited energy myself, and I can't sell it repeatedly like recording a video. There is no compound interest

Less is more