I've seen this one change help web3 projects move 2-3X faster.

Currently, I do this with nearly every client.

Let me break it down...

Step 1: Goals

– Put the most pressing goals in a document

What must happen or else progress stalls?

Keep it to 3-5 and be picky.

Step 2: Accountability

– What actions must be taken to reach the goals

We created a simple list

Step 3: Time Constraint

– Within one month, the goals were to be completed alongside all tasks

Forces people to focus as time is limited

Problems eliminated:

– Wasting time on things that don't matter
– Not knowing who is doing what and when
– No alignment among the leadership team
– People hiding and pretending to do work!

The next month? We did the same thing all over again.

One project went further in a month than they had in a year.

For example, a project that wants VC funding has no data room, no business plan, etc., and is focused on spamming VCs.

#VC #fundraising #SoftwareDevelopment #agency