The web3 carnival in Hong Kong is in full swing, while the idle people outside the circle are squeezing in and eating cheap spicy hot pot in Kaifeng Wangpo and Tianshui, Gansu. No matter how much Hong Kong people pretend to be cool in English, they can't cover up the fact that they go north to Shenzhen for consumption every day and go to Costco to move large and small bags to Hong Kong.

I am not as interested in the web3 Hong Kong Carnival as I was last year, because I am tired of the blockchain scene, sitting in the audience like a fool listening to the blockchain people on the stage talking about the ecology and how the blockchain metaverse will change the world. If you want to brainwash the public, please be down-to-earth and use Chinese. Don't be so high-sounding, so that I, who can occasionally speak words and communicate with foreigners in a simple way, can understand what you are saying. What is the point of holding a meeting? Is it just to sell tickets and contribute to the hotel industry in Hong Kong? If I have that kind of free time, I would rather go to the Macau casino to play a few games, at least there is the excitement of entertainment.

Don't overestimate the English level of mainlanders. Our level of contract playing is higher than English. In fact, the practitioners in the currency circle do not understand human nature as well as the project owners in the pan circle. A bunch of technical straight men want to change the world, which is pure utopia. Financial casino is the essence of web3. Don't use those empty concepts that ordinary people like us can't understand. At least invite some Southeast Asian lecturers and consultants to popularize and replicate the ideas you want to convey. There is a communication gap between technology and the market. How can people believe that the tokens you issue will increase hundreds of times in the future? Storytelling should be like Zhou Wenqiang, with a surname of Ke and a given name of Bi, and understand the applause!

Only then can the new hot track CX fission be given to every leek. In fact, what I said is just honest advice. You cryptocurrency project owners really don’t understand operations and live in ideals. It’s better to hold the carnival in Shenzhen and let me plan the conference next year. Otherwise, the bull market will be killed by you, wasting manpower and material resources, and the potential energy has not been released. It’s not as good as the trader next door who cheated the grandpa and aunt in the bath center. The grandpa and aunt wore bathrobes and ate buffets in the bathhouse. They knew it was a routine but were willing to believe the dream made up by the recommender and sold houses and land crazily. I suddenly remembered that Pangu Moda was a bit like the closing magic skill of the movie who was born in a sales meeting and gave eggs to grandpa and aunt. Where is your Oscar? Where is your little fist?

I don't know who I am mocking by writing this, why the group leader's writing style is more and more like Wang Shuo. Let me talk about something you may be concerned about. How to withdraw money after earning oil? Recently, someone asked you to apply for a Hong Kong bank card online, and the fee is not cheap. I would like to remind my friends who have this idea that Hong Kong is part of mainland China, so the Hong Kong card you apply for, whether it is HSBC or Standard Chartered, is essentially not out of the jurisdiction of the mainland, so it is still unsafe. Those who understand will understand.

If you want to apply for an overseas bank card, it is troublesome, but it is truly safe. Whether you have the ability to apply for a bank card in Singapore or Thailand, or apply for a Vietnamese bank card through my friend and open a Vietnamese securities and stock account, it is more reliable than the Hong Kong bank card you get. Because that is the real overseas financial system.

I think I have made it clear what I am saying. I can't help you if you don't listen or don't understand. Just like I have been telling you tirelessly that livegood is an opportunity for the poor to turn over a new leaf, and you can start a business with 1,060 yuan, but many people don't believe it. In fact, it's not that you don't believe it, but that you are worried that you don't have the ability to build a team. Even if you have the ability, the essence is actually the inertia that you have developed in the cryptocurrency circle for many years. Laziness is the fundamental problem that most people cannot break through the scale of wealth. The first crown ambassador of livegood in the world earns 500,000 or 600,000 yuan a month. He is a disabled person in a wheelchair. He only invested 1,000 yuan. The difference between us and him is that he is more diligent than us. And you don't even have the courage to open the market. Recently, many million-dollar celebrities and even diamonds from other companies have abandoned their original teams and embraced the new business model of livegood to subvert the direct sales revolution. In the future, China will have 5 million members. This is called the real trend! Just like when WeChat business just emerged and many people couldn't understand it, the nature of the platform is similar to the monthly fee system of WV Dream Journey, and it has created many leaders who earn tens of thousands of cash flow every month.

The market is now in a wide range of fluctuations, so there is no need for analysis. Anyway, I am currently short. No matter what risk waterfall there is, it can't hit us. If the bulls regain control of the market next week and the trend reverses, we can just re-enter the market and move forward and backward freely.

The foreign exchange quantitative test next door has a good effect. I asked my friend to write a trading strategy myself. My skills are about to become real AI. This month, we will see how much the robot's monthly income can reach. I will give you a taste when it is stable. Get your bullets ready, don't be in a hurry. Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. The products produced by the team leader must be high-quality.

Last year's inscriptions, the memes at the beginning of the year, and the pre-sale craze on the sol chain may come to an end for the time being. Whether there will be a climax depends on whether the group of people who moved to Dubai 2049 at the end of this month can attract more new investors.

It doesn’t matter whether you caught the opportunity in the first half of the bull market or not. What is destined to happen will happen eventually, and what is not destined to happen should not be forced. The key is whether you can always swim proudly in the financial arena without being drowned. That is the real web3 invincible. . . . . .