Preface: The tutorial article is a bit long, so it is recommended to save it.​


Having done so many airdrop tutorials, today’s airdrop tutorial should be the one with the highest return ratio and a small pledged capital. It is expected to be the airdrop strategy for some of the most popular projects at this stage.                         

This airdrop strategy is expected to receive airdrops for these projects:


EigenLayer is a protocol built on Ethereum that introduces the concept of restaking, a new primitive in cryptoeconomic security. Users who stake $ETH can choose to join the EigenLayer smart contract to re-stake their $ETH $ETH economic security extending to other applications on the network.

EigenLayer has raised $164.5 million from investors such as a16z Crypto, Blockchain Capital, Coinbase Ventures, Hack VC. Electric Capital, Polychain, and other well-known institutions. Currently, the total locked value of EigenLayer has reached $11.812 billion.


Linea is a zk-rollup designed by ConsenSys R&D and operated by ConsenSys. It allows developers to deploy any smart contract, use any tools, and develop as if they were building on Ethereum. For users, this enables the experience and security guarantees of Ethereum, but with lower transaction costs.

ConsenSys is a leading Ethereum software company founded in 2014 (currently valued at $7 billion, raised $720 million).


Renzo is a re-staking protocol based on EigenLayer. Renzo abstracts the complex process of re-staking for end users, and stakers do not have to worry about the active selection and management of operators and reward strategies. ezETH is Renzo's liquid re-staking token, which automatically obtains rewards and ensures liquidity. ezETH allows users to participate in DeFi while retaining re-staking rewards.

Renzo has raised $3.2 million from Binance LabsMaven11, Figment Capital, SevenX Ventures, lOSGVentures, Bodhi Ventures, OKX Ventures and other well-known institutions. Currently, the total locked value of Renzo has reached $2.266 billion.


ZeroLend is a decentralized lending protocol on zkSync that aims to provide individuals and businesses with a secure and transparent digital asset lending platform. The protocol operates in a peer-to-peer manner, eliminating the need for intermediaries such as banks or traditional financial institutions.

ZeroLend has raised $3 million from investors including Momentum 6, Blockchain Founders Fund, BanterCapital, Newman Capital, Cypher Capital, BisonFund, and other well-known institutions. Currently, the total locked value of ZeroLend has reached $103.67 million.


Elixir is a modular liquidity network that enables anyone to provide liquidity directly to the order book, bringing liquidity to long-tail crypto assets. The protocol serves as an important decentralized infrastructure, allowing exchanges and protocols to easily guide their book liquidity. Elixir has raised $17.6 million, with investments from well-known institutions such as Sui, Maelstrom Capital, Hack VC, and NGC Ventures.

6. (Bonus) is a SocialFi platform on Polygon that allows users to have $SHELL of X friends. allows creators to communicate with fans through its built-in communication channels. users must obtain a $SHELL if they want to become part of the creator community.


8. SUI/Others


Without further ado, let’s get to the point – today’s airdrop tutorial guide:

Step 1. Purchase 200U-300U worth of $ETH (this article is about depositing 150U worth of $ETH, but the market fluctuates too fast and the risk of loan liquidation increases), and withdraw it to your airdrop wallet (withdraw to the Linea chain)

Step 2: Go to the Renzo re-staking protocol website and bind your wallet - stake the $ETH on the Linea chain in your wallet into $eZETH

①. Connect your wallet

②. Pledge the $ETH on the Linea chain in your wallet into $eZETH (you need to keep a little $ETH to pay for gas fees)

③. After the conversion is successful, you can check whether it is successful here


Step 3: Go to the airdrop website of the lending platform Zerolend, bind your wallet, and complete the tasks to get airdrop points

①、Connect wallet

②. Complete tasks to get airdrop points (staking tasks of other tokens - not recommended)

A. Social tasks are added to Discard - you need to go first (the second one is a daily task)

To join Discard verification, you need to go to the "Guild" and register with your "Airdrop Wallet" - click the avatar in the upper right corner to enter the profile page and bind Discard  

B. Complete "injection of liquidity"

As shown in the above picture, in "Supply ETH on the Ethereum LRT market (+2x ETH boost)", click "Supply Liquidity", enter the website, connect the wallet, and switch the network to Linea.


Click "Details" to enter the detailed interface of "Inject Liquidity", where you can see the $ezETH assets you converted before. Click "Supply" to "Inject Liquidity" and confirm with your wallet.


View your assets in the dashboard


C. Complete "Provide Collateral" and "Loan"


D. Borrow 102 $USDC to complete the next airdrop task

Go to the website at a fixed time every day to check whether there is a risk of forced liquidation (the red circle in the above picture will be liquidated if it is less than 1). If it is about to approach 1, you can choose to repay or increase the supply of collateral value.



After completing the first airdrop mission, you will receive the following project points rewards:

1. EigenLayer airdrop points (1-3 times)

2. Linea airdrop points

3. Renzo airdrop points (2-3 times)

4. ZeroLend airdrop points (2x)

5. airdrop points


Check airdrop points:

You can return to the airdrop page (updated 24 hours a day) to check your airdrop points    


Because this airdrop tutorial is quite long, it will be published in two articles!

For how to use the borrowed 102$USDC to complete the second Elixir airdrop mission, see another article published at the same time: "Small Capital, Big Benefits, One Fish, Eight Meals Airdrop Strategy Guide (Part 2)!"

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