It rained heavily in Pattaya yesterday. This is the first rain since I came to Thailand at the beginning of the month. Whenever it rains in China, I feel depressed, but I didn't expect that I would sit on the balcony of the hotel and enjoy the rain. This slow-paced life is really luxurious. It turns out that time can be wasted when you are willful. It seems that rain can't affect people's mood. It is essentially a product of the environment. Yesterday, it was still falling, but unfortunately the contract was stopped at the floor. Today, a partner in the group said that he lost money on his long orders. The dog dealer is really awesome. It even killed both long and short positions. I am convinced. I will lose money too. Are you happy to hear that I lose money? I woke up at noon today and saw a big positive line. Did you impulsively buy the bottom? I haven't. The signal is estimated to come out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The right-side transaction is to be safe and slow, and only participate in the high-probability market, rather than betting on the bottom and the top. If I see that it has risen today, I will go all-in, chase the rise and kill the fall, then what is the difference between me and the ordinary people who are just getting rid of the big leeks? As a sniper, I don't look at the price, I only look at the signal. Even if the price goes up to 70,000 tomorrow, as long as the bottom-picking signal appears, I will still chase it in without fear of heights. I will accept it even if it hangs on the top of the mountain, because this is my spot trading system.

After staying overseas for a long time, you will find that it is useless to just save money. Some money should be thrown away. Money is just a tool to serve people, and most people live as slaves of money, not masters of money. Many people in the B circle save money in their daily lives, but spend a lot of money on buying coins. I am like this. When I invest, I don’t blink even when I lose money on the contract, but I usually spend very little. I don’t know if you are the same?

A friend from Vietnam flew over from a foreign country and met me in Pattaya. Although we have worked together for many years, we have never met before. It was too late at night and the Emperor's Bath was closed, so we took a motorcycle to a new place, which can be understood as a copycat version of Thai Bath. It was 1,500 baht per person. The service was good, but the place was a bit remote and it was really difficult to find if you were not a local Thai.

The environment is average. The U-shaped street is next to the self-driving tour in Pattaya. Is it the legendary village in the city? Haha, it's not as bad as the Kowloon Walled City you imagine. It's okay, and the price-performance ratio is still quite good. It's open 24 hours a day. As soon as you walk into each store, it's open. All the Thai girls immediately stand up from their chairs and greet you, shouting: welcome! The scene is spectacular. Even if you are a poor loser, you can instantly feel like a boss. Each one is graceful and smiling, and the visual enjoyment is full. At that moment, you will only regret why you didn't make more money in the past. Poor Yaozi brothers are unemployed all day long.

Two Chinese people, one flew from the mainland, and the other flew from Vietnam. They met in Thailand, not Bangkok. It was really difficult and troublesome. They met briefly and had a long talk. In fact, people don’t have to meet face to face. The Internet is very developed now. One of my Chinese friends even used social translation software to date a local Thai girlfriend. It’s really amazing. As long as you dare to think, everything is possible. The topic I talked about with my Vietnamese friend was to start a business overseas, develop in Southeast Asia, and find opportunities to make money overseas.

Many fans are curious about renting wives here. I asked for your help when I was massaging yesterday. I asked a woman at the beach how much she earned as a travel companion. She said it was about 70,000 Thai baht, which is about 14,000 RMB per month. If you want to find a temporary Thai wife on a monthly basis, I think the monthly rental budget should be at least 10,000. Absolutely considerate service, hardworking, considerate to you and serve you like an emperor. In contrast, I don’t know who has spoiled the arrogance of many Chinese women. You can talk about love, as long as you have enough money, you can also have children. The risk of shorting in the bull market is still great. At this stage, you must not be too greedy. Today, I saw that the newbies I knew before started to preach the dog model currency. If those newbies come to rush, we old drivers should be more vigilant about the turbulence of this market, and don’t be greedy to be the receiver of those sickles. It’s just a positive line. I just want to be quiet. I may buy at the bottom tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. . . . . . .