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The currency circle is like a big ocean, with rough waves and storms. Every bull market is a feast, and people are immersed in it, hoping to make a huge profit from it. However, the truth is brutal and simple: most people suffer heavy losses in this game Why is this so? The reason is simple, because it is impossible for most people to make money in the currency circle and they are destined to lose money. Perhaps they are swayed by the emotions of hype, perhaps they are confused by the illusion of the market, or they are driven by greedy desires. In short, most people are trapped in this ruthless game and ultimately pay a heavy price. The currency circle is not only a competition for money, but also a psychological challenge. Here, only those who can stand the test can earn the money they deserve#DOGE #WIF #热门话题 #SHIB #WLD

The currency circle is like a big ocean, with rough waves and storms.

Every bull market is a feast, and people are immersed in it, hoping to make a huge profit from it. However, the truth is brutal and simple: most people suffer heavy losses in this game

Why is this so? The reason is simple, because it is impossible for most people to make money in the currency circle and they are destined to lose money. Perhaps they are swayed by the emotions of hype, perhaps they are confused by the illusion of the market, or they are driven by greedy desires. In short, most people are trapped in this ruthless game and ultimately pay a heavy price.

The currency circle is not only a competition for money, but also a psychological challenge. Here, only those who can stand the test can earn the money they deserve#DOGE #WIF #热门话题 #SHIB #WLD

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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前两天,我和闺蜜出去吃火锅,两个人一共花了422块钱,这钱是我付的,回来以后我就收到她的转账,215块钱,我很奇怪,说好这次是我请客,干嘛给我转钱? 闺蜜说:这次吃太多了,不能你一个人付,你亏大了,收着吧。 她非要给,我说那你给我200块就好了,干嘛给这么多?她说凑个整。是的,422的一半应该是211,但她转给了我215。 这次的开销比起我们以前的消费,的确高了不少,因为选了一家消费较高的店,平时我们一起吃的饭,两个人不会到两百块钱,原本说好这次是我付钱,因为上次吃饭是我闺蜜请的,我没想到她非要把钱转给我。 我和我闺蜜12岁就认识了,当时还在读初中,一直到现在,我们大学毕业5年的时间,依旧是最好的朋友。 但尽管如此,我们在经济上依旧分得很清楚,不管是出去吃饭,还是平时的往来,该aa的基本aa,就算欠一块钱都会坚持要还给对方。 而且,我们都是那种很害怕对方吃亏的人,平时我们转钱的话,就像这次一样,基本都是多转,凑整提起来。可能有的人说,这样当朋友不累吗? 真不累。 老话说,亲兄弟还得明算账,我认为越是关系好的朋友,越是应该刻意去经营,特别是在彼此的经济上面,最好不要有太大的糊涂账,该怎么算就得怎么算,彼此之间都不吃亏,或者是自己吃点小亏,这样的关系才能长远。 我去年家里有事需要一笔钱,我闺蜜知道以后,就主动问我需不需要钱,她手里还有一笔存款,可以先借给我用,我最终没借,解决了这事,但这个年头,她主动提出借钱给我的这份心意,我一直都记在心里。#美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO #IO价格预测 #币安用户数突破2亿 #非农就业人数高于预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB
下午,我突然接到一位已退居二线的女领导的电话。 她询问我是否在家,并表示她晚上 12 点多的飞机,因为携带很多东西不方便,希望我能开车去接她。尽管妻子表示反对,但我还是毫不犹豫地答应了。妻子认为女领导已经退居二线,对我没有利用价值了,没必要赶着去接她,还质疑为何不叫其他人。 我则认为做人不能过于现实,女领导之前在单位对我关照有加,我去帮忙接送是理所应当的。然而,当我接上老领导后,才发现她给了我一个大大的惊喜——现任领导竟然也在。 老领导今年 55 岁,上个月退居二线后,表示要开始到处旅游。五一她计划前往国内某个著名的 5A 级风景区,现任领导还曾接茬说一起去。我原以为她们只是说说客套话,没想到竟是当真的。 女领导看到我早早就在机场等候,非常满意。她开玩笑地说,她和现任领导刚还打赌,认为我可能不会来,没想到我来得这么早。我赶忙表示,您之前在单位对我非常照顾,无论多晚我都会来,更何况您即便退休了,也永远是我的老领导。 老领导听后很开心,转头对现任领导说,我的人品值得信赖,以后可以考虑重点培养,必定能成为单位的中坚力量。现任领导点头表示赞同。 回到家已是凌晨 3 点多,妻子一边起床给我煮宵夜,一边还在抱怨。我赶忙向她解释了具体情况,并拿出老领导送的两大袋伴手礼,里面装满了各式各样的土特产。看到这些礼物,妻子终于高兴起来。 我认为,做人要懂得知恩图报。老领导曾经帮助过我,无论她是否还在职位上,我去帮忙接送都是应该的。一个人只有拥有广阔的格局,才能看得更远,走得更远!#美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #meme板块关注热点 #MegadropLista #TopCoinsJune2024 #美联储利率决策即将公布 $USDC $SOL $BNB

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