It’s not yet next week, and the accelerated decline I mentioned has already begun to take place. I am convinced by my prediction. Almost all the big Vs on the Internet are trying to get you to rush, but I am blowing the clarion call for you to retreat. With my rhythm and my sense of play, even though the blockchain technology kingdom may not be a god, there will definitely be a place for me. Many people are just blind and can't tell who is a professional trader and who is a fake trader. Now you know who is the fool and who is the genius, right? My secret skill in escaping from the top is not in vain. Although I am not 007, I have the ability to float on water. Gouzhuang, you think a rocket launcher can knock me down. Damn, I still have invisibility. I retired to a small tropical island with no money and had no worries about the world.

No matter that the web3 world has been turned upside down by the golden dog Bome, it seems that people can do what we have done in three years or even a lifetime in three days. What I don’t like the most is how fast people can make money with me, or how long they can make money. I believe there are people out there, but some money really comes from fate, just like I can’t compete with the sea cucumber seller on Douyin to see who looks like Wang Sicong. Everyone fantasizes about landing in January, which is survivorship bias after all. I don’t deny that there may be a queen named Queen who bought 20,000 oil bome during the pre-sale period and made 200 million in three days. Hey, why can’t I meet such a rich woman? I carry bags, kneel down, lick, and serve. The service is absolutely first-class. I eat, play, and give you emotional massage. I like it best when you come to teach me.

Anyway, no matter how many times the price rises, I will not chase it. I am indeed afraid of heights. I would rather wait for sol to pull back and buy some sol at the support level as a sacrifice. It is said that some bottled water in Thailand has leaf patterns and is not drinkable. Shops with leaves on the street are also not allowed to enter. As for why? Use your own imagination. But now I can understand why people like to get involved in that stuff. Don’t be curious. Curiosity killed the cat. We must have a bottom line as human beings. See what Gao Qiqiang said, you can't touch it in your life, don't try your concentration, no one can do it.

Today, a fan asked me to pay 399 RMB for tuition fees to enter the private board of directors. I took it and said it was only 399 RMB. To be honest, I have made a lot less than I could have earned over the years. It is only because I have faith, a mission and a sense of responsibility that I only need a small amount of earnest money. Inclusive trading technology is my motivation, so everyone can instantly join me. Linked Learning Strategies.

Last night, a friend who drove over from Bangkok went to a bar and restaurant to drink two beers and passed out. Then a group of us went to the famous Six Lanes in Pattaya. When I came here before, I saw thousands of beauties standing on both sides of the street. When they were very close to you, they would take the initiative to call you: "Where are you go?" Some would even come over to hold your hand, and some would give you electric shock with their eyes. . I did feel uncomfortable at first. Yesterday, I went into a shop with my friends and met a girl for a drink or two, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable anymore. An Indian guy next to me hugged a Thai girl and gave me a high-five to show my friendship. The loud music and flashing lights brought people into a dream world. I guess men have nothing to worry about here.

Thai girls are very open-minded. Some will take the initiative to sit on your lap and simulate various seductive positions with you, hoping that you will take her to a private room on the second floor. In fact, it is also very cheap, only a few hundred yuan, and everyone can afford it. This place is best described as an adult Disneyland.

After coming out of the bar, I sat on the beach for a while and video chatted with my domestic friends. The beach was still crowded in the middle of the night, and the foreigners here were all night owls. Just as I was saying this, a dog ran over and lay down next to me on the beach, feeling so comfortable. To be honest, I don't envy you Chongtu dog for winning the lottery at all. I do envy this dog for being free and not wanting to blow the sea breeze here without even having an owner. Think about it, many of us, on the other side of the distant ocean, may not even be as good as a dog. This is a joke, but it is also reality. Sometimes I feel that I would rather be reincarnated as a human being in my next life, because I am too tired to be on the other side.

When I returned to the hotel in the evening, a Russian girl on the beach took the initiative to say hello to me. When I went there, she spoke Chinese very well and told me that she had stayed in Guangzhou. I ignored her, but she actually followed me all the way. Russian girls are very tall, and I can't be too rude, so I have to show mercy. I walked with her on the beach for a while, and she kept talking about money, money, money. So you can guess the result yourself. Not to mention, I just bought a pound of durian and am going to work on it. By the way, next week, if the market decline accelerates, don't let the air force kill you. We have made an appointment to have a sword debate at the peak of the bull market. . . . . .