If I don't write something, today will pass again, and one day will be missing from my more than 30,000 days in life. This is fatalism.

The market is really hard, staying around 70,000 and trying to continue to take small steps upwards. The emotions of the leeks seem to be ignited. However, I felt a little numb, maybe because I was traveling abroad, so I had no intention of going up or down.

I just moved to Pattaya from Bangkok. Bangkok is about business and Pattaya is about feelings. Without dreams, why set sail to Pattaya? In the past few days in Bangkok, I have experienced the international city where there are still traffic jams at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. I am still used to riding a motorcycle. But when I was riding a motorcycle in Bangkok, the driver was a bit scary at the speed, and he didn’t even wear a helmet. At that speed, the wind blew my eyes so hard that I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I reached the limit of how many yards I could run. But it’s still safer than Bali.

I randomly booked a hotel in Pattaya online. When I arrived, I saw that it was owned by Indian brothers. Although the environment was average, the service and price had already beaten other hotel owners from other countries. They also bring Indian breakfast, which is quite strange. But their service attitude is really good and they are more trouble-free than the Chinese. Pattaya seems to have become my second hometown. Now that I have the cool sea breeze blowing here and listening to the music all over the sky, I don’t think I will have any bad mood here. The magic of this place is that it can make all men forget their worries. It is not an exaggeration to call it paradise. I just saw two white Russians renting a motorcycle and having fun here all year round, which is really enviable.


There is nothing to write about in the market. The blockchain gaming sector is the hot coin that everyone needs to pay attention to after AI. The backers of many games have too much money to spend, and there are piles of Dingli sports cars. Just now I was chatting with a young guy who had 8 large pancakes in his hand. In Southeast Asia, people should not be judged by their appearance. But I also look at people's interactions. If some people are unreliable, I won't be interested in them no matter how good the project is. When the person is right, the thing will be right.

Every day in Pattaya is precious. It’s not easy to come all the way, and once you’re here, you don’t want to leave. It's a pity that the visa can only stay for 30 days at most. What bastard broke the rules. The earth is my home, do you still care about where I go? I’m not flying to Mars with Musk, I belong to the web3 planet. You can bind my body, but you cannot bind my soul. Needless to say, every day in Pattaya is precious. Although you spend money every day when you go out, you spend it comfortably and happily. It’s not like the gutter oil you drink in China or the genetically modified food you eat. Forget it, let’s not talk anymore, I’m going to look for a romantic love story under the coconut tree. A spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and Pattaya never sleeps. . . . . .