Daily market analysis - Btc 8.20

Figure: H1 chart

1) Oscillating market. Currently oscillating around 618-576.

2) As in yesterday's analysis, it stepped back to range-L to absorb funds, and upward, which currently plundered 60271 eqh and obtained fvg liquidity.

3) In my opinion, if it stands firmly at 59750 range-eq, then continue to look upward, the goal is to plunder liquidity from range-H, that is, eqh, and pay attention to 6w3 weekly fvg liquidity acquisition.

So pay attention to the buying opportunity when it steps back to eq and stands firm.

4) If it falls below 59, then pay attention to the downward trend at the large level, and the goal continues to look at the test of 55 H4 fvg+ob.

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