To what extent can poor people squander money when they suddenly become rich?

My classmate's house was demolished and he was compensated 10 million.

His father was lazy and never made any money.

He has already ordered a high-end X6 before the compensation has arrived.

I feel proud. Each of my two sons has an E, and the car cost nearly 3 million.

I bought a large flat for 3 million. I demolished it, renovated it, moved it, and hired more than 20 tables, which cost almost 1 million.

It cost almost 7 million. Then the whole family quit their jobs and the three men lived a life of drunkenness and debauchery, and all the money was squandered in more than a year.

The car is a storefront and cannot be moved. The house was sold and replaced with a smaller one. The three men lived a life of drunkenness and debauchery again, and it didn't work in more than a year.

This time I can only sell the car, sell the car, sell the car, and finally sell the house.

It took about six years to squander 10 million. Now the whole family rents a house and basically moves every three to six months because there is no money to pay the rent.

It is not necessarily a good thing for the poor to become rich suddenly.

The cognition and experience must be worthy of wealth to keep it.

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