What kind of people are most likely to succeed?

1. People who are good at grasping human needs

There are six major desires in human nature: men are afraid of being poor, women love beauty, the elderly want to be healthy, children are afraid of being stupid, the poor want to make money, and the rich want to be idle. If he can grasp these six human needs, he will grasp the pain points of users!

2. People who can manage their emotions

Small problems + big emotions = big problems

Big problems + small emotions = small problems

A person's anger, in the final analysis, is the pain of his own incompetence.

The weak are as irritable as tigers, the strong are as calm as water, and the truly powerful people have long since given up their emotions.

3. People with high-level social skills

Enthusiastic and generous, I don't know anything when asked, I am grateful, thank you, but I'm sorry! Understand, understand, there is really no way!

Different positions, less words are valuable, different cognitions, no disputes, no actions, different views, waste of words.

Two years of learning to speak, lifelong enlightenment to shut up.

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