It is very important to learn the skills of following the dealer in the currency circle!

When the main force is absorbing funds, follow, intervene at the end of the absorption, firmly hold the position when the main force is washing the market, and leave the market in time when the main force starts to ship!

The reason why most people lose money in the bull market is that when the value coins in their hands cannot outperform some MEME coins, they become anxious and unable to sleep at night, so they chase the rise and fall and frequently change positions!

Another group of contract players frequently make moves, stare at the market 24 hours a day, waste time, have uncertain profits and losses, and have amazing handling fees. Faced with the midnight pin market, they began to carry orders without a bottom line, and the arrival of the liquidation text message made them doubt their lives!

The final result must be that although they have experienced a big bull market, others have made a lot of money, but they have lost a lot! The longer it accumulates, the faster it will be.

The longer the technical adjustment time in the chip-intensive area, the faster the rise or fall after the breakthrough will be, and the larger the space will be!

We will know that under normal circumstances, the dealer will use the leeks to conduct crazy washing when they are confused about the judgment of the big cake trend.

When most people are still afraid of the previous decline, they will easily throw away their precious chips at the slightest sign of trouble, allowing the dealer to easily complete the process of washing the market.

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期