In the first half of this year, I am afraid that many people who did not leave the table will have to return their years of accumulation to the market.

After so many years of happiness, it is okay to be sad occasionally, right?

In the first half of the year, most people lost money, and only a very few people made money.

And many of those who lost money were old leeks with resources and capital.

This bull market cut people the most, and many people cannot get out of the trap.

The consensus, judgment, and investment logic of the cottage have all changed.

The times are changing fast, and the slow ones have been eliminated.

The consensus of the cottage has collapsed, and no one has paid for the insider exposure. This round of ideology and consensus has changed greatly. Everyone needs to keep up with the pace and re-understand the crypto circle.

Don't be impatient, don't be discouraged, don't be happy too early, and don't just look at the pattern.

We must recognize the situation and ourselves. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? Sell? What target to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control? If you don’t understand construction, click on my avatar, follow me, and read more in the homepage.

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