In the currency circle, it doesn't matter how much money you have, the key is whether you can do it.

If you have the ability, even if you only have 10,000, you can make 1 million. On the contrary, if you don't have the ability, even if you have 1 million, you may lose 10,000.

The reason why many people lose money is often that they overestimate their abilities and always want to dig gold in bad market conditions.

In fact, instead of struggling in a shrinking market, it is better to spend more time looking for bullish trend markets and follow the trend.

After all, standing on the vent, pigs can fly.

Dare to hold positions when you make a profit, and decisively cut positions when you lose.

This is a kind of thinking that goes against human nature and needs to fight against human nature.

In reality, people often hold on to losing orders and close profitable orders early. This practice of not letting profits run is wrong.

Trading doesn't care about the amount of funds, the key is whether you can do it.

Trading focuses on finding a method that suits your personality, having an invincible mentality and resolute execution. Only in this way can you gain a foothold in the market.

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