Is it feasible to use small coins to make profits, and then use the profits to exchange for big coins?

A fan said that if you miss Bitcoin, you miss it. If you have too little funds, you buy some small coins, hold them, and exchange them for big coins when you are almost there, and then you keep holding big coins.

This may be the common idea of ​​many friends. They think that if you miss Bitcoin, you can use small coins to catch up, and then exchange them for Bitcoin after catching up.

But, is this feasible?

No! Why is it not feasible? Let's look at it separately

There are three assumptions hidden in his words

Assumption 1: I found a small coin, and the future increase of this small coin can definitely surpass Bitcoin.

Different people may have different psychological expectations for how many times it can increase, but it should not be less than ten times, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Assumption 2: I can hold this coin all the time, even if it falls by 50%, 80%, even if it doubles or quintuples.

In other words, no matter it goes up and down, no matter it goes up and down, I can get more than ten times.

Assumption three, I can grasp most of the increase of the coin, and escape perfectly when the bear market comes, so that I can get most of its profits and exchange them for big cakes in the future.

That is to say, his conclusion and approach can only be established when the above three assumptions are true at the same time.

Otherwise, as long as one of them cannot be realized, then his approach of relying on small coins to increase profits and then exchange for big cakes will not work.

How about it, do we need to analyze it further?

Which of the three methods of picking one in a million, hoarding small coins, and predicting bull and bear markets can be reliable?


So, in the market, always remember: don't gamble.

What is gambling?

It is to bet on small risks, to bet on low-probability events, and to bet on one in a million.

The less money a person has, the more anxious he is to get rich, the more he likes to play this kind of low-probability event. If I catch a small coin and it increases by a hundred or eighty times, won't I make a fortune?

Getting rich is a fart.

If this can make a fortune, there will be no poor people in the world, and everyone can win five million.

But what about reality?

Most people have lost everything.

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