#PEOPLE $PEOPLE PEOPLE market analysis of the day:

PEOPLE market today presents a comprehensive bullish trend, 1/2/4 hour levels all show that the bulls have the upper hand. Once the purple signal appears, it may indicate the start of the rebound trend.

Today's focus is on the 4-hour level of the long and short watershed, that is, the position near 0.08978. If you need to analyze the copycat point, search for the public account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

If the market price goes down, you need to pay attention to the lower target prices of 0.08754, 0.08506, and 0.08240; and in the rebound market, the upper target prices of 0.09517, 0.09818, and 0.10102 will become the focus.

The market is unpredictable, and investors should keep a close eye on the market and grasp the changes in the long and short forces in real time to make more accurate trading decisions.

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