#INJ $INJ INJ today's market analysis:

INJ today's market is dominated by the bears at the 1-hour level, while the 2/4-hour level has entered the callback stage again. The callback target is locked around 23.178. If this level is not broken, long orders can consider buying low. For long orders, it is recommended to be prudent and avoid blindly chasing the rise. Follow-up exchanges that need to analyze the copycat points 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

Aggressive investors can pay attention to the price range of 23.464-23.789-24.255. If the price fails to stabilize in this range, it is recommended to open more cautiously. If the market goes down, the support level is at 22.626-22.044-21.648.

Special reminder to spot investors: In the bull market, please be patient and avoid frequent position changes or swing operations to avoid missing out on profit opportunities.

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