#SSV $SSV SSV Today's Market Analysis:

SSV market shows that the 1-hour level has a purple signal, and the 2/4-hour level is clearly short. Today, we need to focus on the price of 38.906. If the market falls below this level, the 4-hour level will remain short. The lower target prices are 37.560, 37.296, and 36.909. If the market rebounds, the upper target prices can focus on 39.453, 39.934, and 40.400, but if the rebound fails to break through these prices, the market will continue the short trend. The follow-up communication of the cottage point needs to be analyzed 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

Short-term investors are advised to keep a close eye on the market and operate flexibly.

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