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How should we deal with the bull market correction period? Key points Anyone who thinks the bull market is over or has reached its peak does not understand this market at all! I made it very clear in the middle of the bull market. After the big pie pulls back to the 70,000 position, it will usher in a period of shock. It is very normal to fight from one or two thousand points to three or five thousand points and then to ten thousand points. But I still see many people shouting that the big bull is coming and the bull is gone without saying the rise and fall of one or two thousand or even three or five hundred points. It is really sensationalism. I have also said before that in the future, it will continue to be like this. Long and short double explosions will continue to obtain liquidity. The range will even be as high as ten thousand to twenty thousand. It is very crazy. Many people think that big pie is dead like this. In fact, this is just to prove that big pie is very active. Although the profit of brushing back and forth during the shock period is considerable, the winning rate is difficult to guarantee at the same time. The risk is greater because it is difficult to know where the high point is and where the low point is. Not to mention where to start when the trend changes and it is going to plummet or soar. My suggestion has always been that in the current situation, don’t talk about value investment or pattern. Now is not the time to talk about these. The pace should be fast and the posture should be handsome. Just do the contract and run when you make money. If the pin is long enough, turn the hand Judging the market according to the trend and using strategies according to the market #BTC☀ #币安合约锦标赛
How should we deal with the bull market correction period?

Key points
Anyone who thinks the bull market is over or has reached its peak does not understand this market at all!

I made it very clear in the middle of the bull market. After the big pie pulls back to the 70,000 position, it will usher in a period of shock. It is very normal to fight from one or two thousand points to three or five thousand points and then to ten thousand points. But I still see many people shouting that the big bull is coming and the bull is gone without saying the rise and fall of one or two thousand or even three or five hundred points. It is really sensationalism. I have also said before that in the future, it will continue to be like this. Long and short double explosions will continue to obtain liquidity. The range will even be as high as ten thousand to twenty thousand. It is very crazy. Many people think that big pie is dead like this. In fact, this is just to prove that big pie is very active. Although the profit of brushing back and forth during the shock period is considerable, the winning rate is difficult to guarantee at the same time. The risk is greater because it is difficult to know where the high point is and where the low point is. Not to mention where to start when the trend changes and it is going to plummet or soar. My suggestion has always been that in the current situation, don’t talk about value investment or pattern. Now is not the time to talk about these. The pace should be fast and the posture should be handsome. Just do the contract and run when you make money. If the pin is long enough, turn the hand

Judging the market according to the trend and using strategies according to the market

所有人都是第一次经历这样的市场!回顾我之前提到的9次洗盘状态,目前来看,21年的519最为接近。 21年也是从4月中旬开始的大洗盘,一直到7月20日才结束,整整洗了三个多月。而这次也是从4月中旬开始,到现在还不到三个月。 相同之处在于洗盘时间和比特币的涨幅,不同之处在于山寨币。519之前的山寨币涨幅更大,而这波洗盘同样令人作呕。 所以,大家都是第一次面对这样的山寨币行情。不管是ETF还是降息因素,都是滞后的分析。 既然行情已经走到这一步,我们也无能为力。以比特币为例,比特币58的位置已经到了超高性价比,ETH也是如此。 最近一段时间,大鲸鱼们在这个位置开始大规模囤币,类似2020年比特币在2万美元左右时的情况,随后开启了大牛市的主要阶段。 下半场的大牛市至关重要,ETH的ETF会落地,资金将蜂拥而入,远超上半场。 我依然坚信,现在的洗盘有多血腥,未来的烟花就会有多华丽。
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You think buying coins ten years ago was like this: A few simple steps, log in to the exchange, place an order with one click, and the Bitcoin will be in your wallet. But the truth is, buying coins ten years ago was an adventure: First, you have to look for the safe and reliable platform like a detective in the vast exchanges. Or, more directly, you have to find the "mysterious person" who is willing to trade you Bitcoin for 10,000 yuan. Then, among the many fake coins that sound fancy but are actually hard to distinguish between true and false, you have to screen out the real Bitcoin like panning for gold. Then, be prepared to trade at a price that may make you nervous, because the price fluctuations at that time were simply heartbeat accelerators. The most important thing is that after buying it, you have to be mentally prepared to face the risk that it may suddenly become "zero". People who can do these four things can play well and make a lot of money in both coins and the stock market. If you are a newbie who knows nothing about the cryptocurrency world, and you are eager to try it out when you see the price of Bitcoin hit new highs, and want to jump into this seemingly glittering world, then please stop and follow me step by step. I will teach you how to gain a firm foothold in this complex and ever-changing cryptocurrency world and lay a solid foundation. Remember, only with a solid foundation can you go more steadily and further. Want to know more? Click on my avatar and let's explore the mysteries of the cryptocurrency world together!
You think buying coins ten years ago was like this:
A few simple steps, log in to the exchange, place an order with one click, and the Bitcoin will be in your wallet.
But the truth is, buying coins ten years ago was an adventure:
First, you have to look for the safe and reliable platform like a detective in the vast exchanges. Or, more directly, you have to find the "mysterious person" who is willing to trade you Bitcoin for 10,000 yuan. Then, among the many fake coins that sound fancy but are actually hard to distinguish between true and false, you have to screen out the real Bitcoin like panning for gold. Then, be prepared to trade at a price that may make you nervous, because the price fluctuations at that time were simply heartbeat accelerators. The most important thing is that after buying it, you have to be mentally prepared to face the risk that it may suddenly become "zero".
People who can do these four things can play well and make a lot of money in both coins and the stock market.
If you are a newbie who knows nothing about the cryptocurrency world, and you are eager to try it out when you see the price of Bitcoin hit new highs, and want to jump into this seemingly glittering world, then please stop and follow me step by step. I will teach you how to gain a firm foothold in this complex and ever-changing cryptocurrency world and lay a solid foundation. Remember, only with a solid foundation can you go more steadily and further. Want to know more? Click on my avatar and let's explore the mysteries of the cryptocurrency world together!
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How to observe the next wave of mainstream in plate rotation? Here are a few formulas that you should memorize If the market falls sharply, I will not fall or if it falls slightly The market is falling slightly and I am rising slightly or rising sharply. When the market goes up, I follow it Those who meet the above conditions may be the targets of the next plate rotation. I have formulas but haven’t used them yet. I’ve only learned half of them. This needs to be combined with a concept: the relative position of the market and sector currencies. This is the real core After the rise and fall rankings of sector coins emerge, we need to compare their positions relative to the broader market, and use the market’s recent highs and lows as an anchor point for comparison. Compare the lows when the market falls Compare highs when the market is rising ⚠️ In fact, I can sum it all up in a few sentences. The market is stronger than the market If the market is weak, it is stronger than the market The stronger the market, the more likely it will be the next sector to rotate, and the higher the relative position. When the market is falling, it is still at a high level, and when the market rebounds, it will hit a new high. The stronger the future explosive power, the more likely it is that the sector will rotate. the mainstream There are currently several sectors on the market. You can observe carefully and pay more attention to the reasons behind why these sectors are so strong. If you really don’t have the time and energy to study, you can pay attention in time.
How to observe the next wave of mainstream in plate rotation?

Here are a few formulas that you should memorize
If the market falls sharply, I will not fall or if it falls slightly
The market is falling slightly and I am rising slightly or rising sharply.
When the market goes up, I follow it
Those who meet the above conditions may be the targets of the next plate rotation.

I have formulas but haven’t used them yet. I’ve only learned half of them.
This needs to be combined with a concept: the relative position of the market and sector currencies.
This is the real core

After the rise and fall rankings of sector coins emerge, we need to compare their positions relative to the broader market, and use the market’s recent highs and lows as an anchor point for comparison.
Compare the lows when the market falls
Compare highs when the market is rising

In fact, I can sum it all up in a few sentences.
The market is stronger than the market
If the market is weak, it is stronger than the market

The stronger the market, the more likely it will be the next sector to rotate, and the higher the relative position. When the market is falling, it is still at a high level, and when the market rebounds, it will hit a new high. The stronger the future explosive power, the more likely it is that the sector will rotate. the mainstream

There are currently several sectors on the market. You can observe carefully and pay more attention to the reasons behind why these sectors are so strong. If you really don’t have the time and energy to study, you can pay attention in time.
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#Worry# Most traders understand the inherent dangers of the markets. After all, there is a lot of money at stake. Given the risk, traders must trade wisely - gathering the right amount of information, making smart decisions, and getting in and out of trades in a timely manner. When you start worrying about things you can't control, or when you spend too much time and energy worrying instead of taking action, this emotion can become a distraction that leads to countless trading mistakes. Some traders are so obsessed with mastering their reactions to stress that they become trapped by their thoughts. They find themselves unable to stop thinking about their problems. They worry all the time. They dwell on various events and anticipate the worst possible outcome. As a result, they magnify their problems simply by thinking about them. The more you view problems through the lens of fear, the more you get stuck in a vicious cycle where you always view your life through the template of the past. Again, this tends to reinforce a feeling of inadequacy and lack and leads to an even greater effort to maintain an image of competence. The more you think, the more you worry. Ultimately, the tendency to worry is built on the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, and the fear of facing more stress again. Sometimes this manifests as denial, where traders do not check their performance and correct their performance, but instead assume that since they can easily raise money, they can start a hedge fund. Internally, traders are assuming that if they worry long enough and hard enough, the problem will magically solve or disappear. With this circular thinking, they are actually more likely to burn themselves out and constantly feel powerless. Here, the trader should be wary of any tendency to drastically change his strategy before correcting the mistakes in his trading. In this case, he must first review his statistics to see what must be modified. Sometimes traders think that working with others will greatly solve their problems.
Most traders understand the inherent dangers of the markets. After all, there is a lot of money at stake. Given the risk, traders must trade wisely - gathering the right amount of information, making smart decisions, and getting in and out of trades in a timely manner.

When you start worrying about things you can't control, or when you spend too much time and energy worrying instead of taking action, this emotion can become a distraction that leads to countless trading mistakes. Some traders are so obsessed with mastering their reactions to stress that they become trapped by their thoughts. They find themselves unable to stop thinking about their problems. They worry all the time. They dwell on various events and anticipate the worst possible outcome. As a result, they magnify their problems simply by thinking about them. The more you view problems through the lens of fear, the more you get stuck in a vicious cycle where you always view your life through the template of the past.

Again, this tends to reinforce a feeling of inadequacy and lack and leads to an even greater effort to maintain an image of competence. The more you think, the more you worry. Ultimately, the tendency to worry is built on the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, and the fear of facing more stress again. Sometimes this manifests as denial, where traders do not check their performance and correct their performance, but instead assume that since they can easily raise money, they can start a hedge fund.

Internally, traders are assuming that if they worry long enough and hard enough, the problem will magically solve or disappear. With this circular thinking, they are actually more likely to burn themselves out and constantly feel powerless.

Here, the trader should be wary of any tendency to drastically change his strategy before correcting the mistakes in his trading. In this case, he must first review his statistics to see what must be modified.

Sometimes traders think that working with others will greatly solve their problems.
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With the development of the investment market, the gap between retail investors and institutional professional investors has become increasingly obvious. Retail investors refer to individual investors, while institutional professional investors include investment banks, fund companies and other institutions. There are great differences in the investment behavior of retail investors and institutional professional investors, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects. First, the difference in investment experience and knowledge level. Institutional professional investors usually have richer investment experience and deeper industry knowledge, and can more accurately judge the value of the market and enterprises. However, retail investors often lack investment experience and knowledge, and are easily affected by market sentiment and the media, resulting in irrational investment decisions. Second, the scale and degree of diversification of investment funds. Institutional professional investors have larger funds and wider investment channels, which can more effectively diversify risks and obtain investment opportunities. However, the scale of retail investors' funds is relatively small, and they can often only invest through a few channels such as stocks, making it difficult to achieve full diversification of funds and risk control. Third, the mechanism and method of investment decision-making. Institutional professional investors usually have a more complete investment decision-making mechanism and investment team, which can obtain and analyze market information through multiple channels and make more scientific and comprehensive investment decisions. However, retail investors often lack professional investment teams and decision-making mechanisms, and can only rely on their own intuition and market information to make investment decisions. In summary, the gap between retail investors and institutional professional investors lies mainly in investment experience and knowledge level, investment fund scale and diversification, and investment decision-making mechanisms and methods. Therefore, when investing, retail investors should focus on accumulating investment experience and knowledge, fully understand the market and corporate situation, and also pay attention to the full diversification of funds and risk control, and try to simulate the investment methods and decision-making mechanisms of institutional investors, so as to improve their investment level and obtain better investment returns.
With the development of the investment market, the gap between retail investors and institutional professional investors has become increasingly obvious. Retail investors refer to individual investors, while institutional professional investors include investment banks, fund companies and other institutions. There are great differences in the investment behavior of retail investors and institutional professional investors, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects.

First, the difference in investment experience and knowledge level. Institutional professional investors usually have richer investment experience and deeper industry knowledge, and can more accurately judge the value of the market and enterprises. However, retail investors often lack investment experience and knowledge, and are easily affected by market sentiment and the media, resulting in irrational investment decisions.

Second, the scale and degree of diversification of investment funds. Institutional professional investors have larger funds and wider investment channels, which can more effectively diversify risks and obtain investment opportunities. However, the scale of retail investors' funds is relatively small, and they can often only invest through a few channels such as stocks, making it difficult to achieve full diversification of funds and risk control.

Third, the mechanism and method of investment decision-making. Institutional professional investors usually have a more complete investment decision-making mechanism and investment team, which can obtain and analyze market information through multiple channels and make more scientific and comprehensive investment decisions. However, retail investors often lack professional investment teams and decision-making mechanisms, and can only rely on their own intuition and market information to make investment decisions.

In summary, the gap between retail investors and institutional professional investors lies mainly in investment experience and knowledge level, investment fund scale and diversification, and investment decision-making mechanisms and methods. Therefore, when investing, retail investors should focus on accumulating investment experience and knowledge, fully understand the market and corporate situation, and also pay attention to the full diversification of funds and risk control, and try to simulate the investment methods and decision-making mechanisms of institutional investors, so as to improve their investment level and obtain better investment returns.
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"Track-level opportunities are coming, and big ones are coming, too."The cryptocurrency world is a game of constantly flipping tables, and the current market is: low volatility + long-term shocks + extremely low sentiment The racetrack-level opportunity that will turn the tables is already brewing Bitcoin volatility and market trend analysis Recently, the price of Bitcoin has been falling, but its volatility has reached a critical point The current volatility is 1.25% What is this level? Let's analyze it through historical data. 💎 —— Historically low volatility times Since 2018, Bitcoin’s volatility has approached a low volatility state of 1% to 2% at the following seven points in time:

"Track-level opportunities are coming, and big ones are coming, too."

The cryptocurrency world is a game of constantly flipping tables, and the current market is: low volatility + long-term shocks + extremely low sentiment
The racetrack-level opportunity that will turn the tables is already brewing

Bitcoin volatility and market trend analysis

Recently, the price of Bitcoin has been falling, but its volatility has reached a critical point
The current volatility is 1.25%
What is this level? Let's analyze it through historical data.

Historically low volatility times

Since 2018, Bitcoin’s volatility has approached a low volatility state of 1% to 2% at the following seven points in time:
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Serious short-term thinking In fact, we should look further ahead, focusing on long-term investment and supplemented by medium- and short-term investment. Chasing ups and downs When everyone is discussing a certain coin, follow the trend and buy it. After buying, you are stuck. When you lose 10% or 20%, you are reluctant to sell your money and continue to hold it to wait for the release. When the loss reaches 50%, 60% or even 70%, you will reluctantly sell your money. Lack of cognition Today, I heard a big V say that this coin is good, and tomorrow I heard a rumor that that coin will rise, so I bought it. This kind of investment method without careful consideration will inevitably lose money. Impulsiveness Many people enter the market with the mentality of getting rich overnight, but they are not prepared for the possibility of zero. Once a loss occurs, they start to find various reasons, complaining that the project party does not manage the market value, blaming the dealer for the market crash, and blaming the big V for inaccurate predictions. Not learning Learning is eternal wealth. Only by continuous learning can we avoid being cut by the market. Lack of sound investment philosophy Before investing, you need to make a detailed investment plan, such as: which currencies to buy? When should you buy? How should you allocate your positions? If you make a loss after buying, should you stop loss or cover your position? After making a profit, should you reduce your position in batches or continue to hold? Only by summarizing a set of investment strategies that suit you can you cope with various situations, maintain a good mentality, and avoid making wrong decisions due to emotions.
Serious short-term thinking
In fact, we should look further ahead, focusing on long-term investment and supplemented by medium- and short-term investment.
Chasing ups and downs
When everyone is discussing a certain coin, follow the trend and buy it. After buying, you are stuck. When you lose 10% or 20%, you are reluctant to sell your money and continue to hold it to wait for the release. When the loss reaches 50%, 60% or even 70%, you will reluctantly sell your money.
Lack of cognition
Today, I heard a big V say that this coin is good, and tomorrow I heard a rumor that that coin will rise, so I bought it. This kind of investment method without careful consideration will inevitably lose money.
Many people enter the market with the mentality of getting rich overnight, but they are not prepared for the possibility of zero. Once a loss occurs, they start to find various reasons, complaining that the project party does not manage the market value, blaming the dealer for the market crash, and blaming the big V for inaccurate predictions.
Not learning
Learning is eternal wealth. Only by continuous learning can we avoid being cut by the market.
Lack of sound investment philosophy
Before investing, you need to make a detailed investment plan, such as: which currencies to buy? When should you buy? How should you allocate your positions? If you make a loss after buying, should you stop loss or cover your position? After making a profit, should you reduce your position in batches or continue to hold? Only by summarizing a set of investment strategies that suit you can you cope with various situations, maintain a good mentality, and avoid making wrong decisions due to emotions.
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10 major trading rules: read them once a day, Use protective stop loss Advantages: Stop loss can avoid big losses and protect the principal. Disadvantages: May lead to premature exit and miss subsequent profits. Self-discipline Advantages: Strictly follow the plan to trade and increase the success rate. Disadvantages: May be too mechanical and lack flexibility to respond to market changes. Don't trade frequently Advantages: Reduce transaction costs and avoid impulsive trading. Disadvantages: May miss potential profit opportunities. Avoid major events Advantages: Avoid huge losses caused by emergencies. Disadvantages: May miss opportunities brought by market fluctuations. Don't gamble Advantages: Reduce trading risks and protect capital. Disadvantages: May limit high-risk and high-return opportunities. Set the maximum loss limit for the day Advantages: Control losses and avoid emotional trading. Disadvantages: May lead to early stop of trading and miss profit opportunities. Trade reasonable positions Advantages: Control risks and trade steadily. Disadvantages: Initial returns are low and require patience. Don't increase positions during losses Advantages: Avoid expanding losses and protect the principal. Disadvantages: You may miss the opportunity to rebound from the bottom. Learn how to reduce losses Advantages: Reduce risk and increase the probability of profit. Disadvantages: You need to constantly learn and adjust your strategy. Plan your trades Advantages: Planned trading increases the success rate. Disadvantages: You may lack flexibility and be unable to cope with market changes.
10 major trading rules: read them once a day,

Use protective stop loss
Advantages: Stop loss can avoid big losses and protect the principal.
Disadvantages: May lead to premature exit and miss subsequent profits.

Advantages: Strictly follow the plan to trade and increase the success rate.
Disadvantages: May be too mechanical and lack flexibility to respond to market changes.

Don't trade frequently
Advantages: Reduce transaction costs and avoid impulsive trading.
Disadvantages: May miss potential profit opportunities.

Avoid major events
Advantages: Avoid huge losses caused by emergencies.
Disadvantages: May miss opportunities brought by market fluctuations.

Don't gamble
Advantages: Reduce trading risks and protect capital.
Disadvantages: May limit high-risk and high-return opportunities.

Set the maximum loss limit for the day
Advantages: Control losses and avoid emotional trading.
Disadvantages: May lead to early stop of trading and miss profit opportunities.

Trade reasonable positions
Advantages: Control risks and trade steadily.
Disadvantages: Initial returns are low and require patience.

Don't increase positions during losses
Advantages: Avoid expanding losses and protect the principal.
Disadvantages: You may miss the opportunity to rebound from the bottom.

Learn how to reduce losses
Advantages: Reduce risk and increase the probability of profit.
Disadvantages: You need to constantly learn and adjust your strategy.

Plan your trades
Advantages: Planned trading increases the success rate.
Disadvantages: You may lack flexibility and be unable to cope with market changes.
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Getting rich depends on fate Among all the popular gambling projects, the one that is most like life is "Texas Hold'em" Ace is the card with the highest winning rate But do you know what the winning rate is when you play against A in a 10-player game? It is 31.12% That is to say, even if you get the card with the highest winning rate at the beginning, you still have a 69% chance of losing when facing 9 opponents If your opponent goes all in at the beginning, do you dare to go all in at the risk of losing 69% of the game? If you don't dare to go all in with your opponent when you get the biggest card, it is conceivable that you will be even less likely to go all in when you get other cards. That is to say, if your opponent wants to defeat you, he only needs to go all in every time he starts the game, keep winning your bottom money, and eventually he can defeat you Therefore, when you face this kind of game, you have and only one correct strategy: choose to go all in even if you have to bear the risk of losing 69% of the game. This is the fate of Texas Hold'em players. The complexity and variability you have to face in life are tens of millions of times more difficult than Texas Hold'em, which is purely a mathematical probability game. The opponents you meet in life and work are also more difficult than those in gambling. Some opponents have a strong family background and can lose a hundred times, but you can only afford to lose once. Some opponents may have lost their minds and may hurt you by killing themselves. Some opponents are not even human. They can be diseases, natural disasters, or governments. They can lose countless times, but you can only afford to lose once. When you face an All-in from a powerful opponent, even if you have made the most correct choice every time in your previous life, you may still lose everything in this game and lose all your previous efforts. This is fate, your fate and my fate.
Getting rich depends on fate

Among all the popular gambling projects, the one that is most like life is "Texas Hold'em"

Ace is the card with the highest winning rate
But do you know what the winning rate is when you play against A in a 10-player game?

It is 31.12%

That is to say, even if you get the card with the highest winning rate at the beginning, you still have a 69% chance of losing when facing 9 opponents

If your opponent goes all in at the beginning, do you dare to go all in at the risk of losing 69% of the game?

If you don't dare to go all in with your opponent when you get the biggest card, it is conceivable that you will be even less likely to go all in when you get other cards.

That is to say, if your opponent wants to defeat you, he only needs to go all in every time he starts the game, keep winning your bottom money, and eventually he can defeat you

Therefore, when you face this kind of game, you have and only one correct strategy: choose to go all in
even if you have to bear the risk of losing 69% of the game.

This is the fate of Texas Hold'em players.

The complexity and variability you have to face in life are tens of millions of times more difficult than Texas Hold'em, which is purely a mathematical probability game.
The opponents you meet in life and work are also more difficult than those in gambling.
Some opponents have a strong family background and can lose a hundred times, but you can only afford to lose once.
Some opponents may have lost their minds and may hurt you by killing themselves.
Some opponents are not even human. They can be diseases, natural disasters, or governments.
They can lose countless times, but you can only afford to lose once.
When you face an All-in from a powerful opponent, even if you have made the most correct choice every time in your previous life,
you may still lose everything in this game and lose all your previous efforts.
This is fate, your fate and my fate.
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Common billing methods Many novices don’t understand how to make investment orders, so they enter the market directly and then lose all their money. The following are common ordering methods for different types of machines. I hope it can be helpful to you: 1. Callback and rebound practices: When the market goes through a sharp rise or fall, there will be a short-term correction or rebound trend. Seizing such an opportunity is an easy and simple way for us to make stable profits. The main indicator to use is the K-line pattern, which requires you to have a very good sense of the market and be able to accurately judge the high or low points of the stage. 2. Time period approach: Generally speaking, the fluctuations in early trading and afternoon trading are small, and the market is easy to grasp. It is suitable for investors with a gentle temperament. The disadvantage is that the time for placing orders to make profits is extended, and you must have enough patience. The fluctuations in the late trading and early morning trading are violent, which can make profits quickly and have room for multiple operations. It is suitable for investors with aggressive personalities. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to grasp the market trend, easy to make mistakes, and requires relatively high technical level and judgment ability.
Common billing methods

Many novices don’t understand how to make investment orders, so they enter the market directly and then lose all their money. The following are common ordering methods for different types of machines. I hope it can be helpful to you:

1. Callback and rebound practices: When the market goes through a sharp rise or fall, there will be a short-term correction or rebound trend. Seizing such an opportunity is an easy and simple way for us to make stable profits. The main indicator to use is the K-line pattern, which requires you to have a very good sense of the market and be able to accurately judge the high or low points of the stage.

2. Time period approach: Generally speaking, the fluctuations in early trading and afternoon trading are small, and the market is easy to grasp. It is suitable for investors with a gentle temperament. The disadvantage is that the time for placing orders to make profits is extended, and you must have enough patience. The fluctuations in the late trading and early morning trading are violent, which can make profits quickly and have room for multiple operations. It is suitable for investors with aggressive personalities. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to grasp the market trend, easy to make mistakes, and requires relatively high technical level and judgment ability.
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It takes three bull and bear cycles in life to get richThis is the insight I gained from my nine years of speculative career: An ordinary person If there is no one to lead the way, to guide you, you have to rely on yourself to understand Basically, you have to go through three bull and bear cycles to make big money. And it takes some talent and a little luck 1/First cycle Ordinary people lack information, resources, background, and guidance. Therefore, only when the media reports extensively will people pay attention to the market. When you first enter the market, you have no idea what fear and cruelty are. Although your investment is not large, you are ambitious and have made great achievements. You have never felt that making money is so easy.

It takes three bull and bear cycles in life to get rich

This is the insight I gained from my nine years of speculative career:
An ordinary person
If there is no one to lead the way, to guide you, you have to rely on yourself to understand
Basically, you have to go through three bull and bear cycles to make big money.
And it takes some talent and a little luck

1/First cycle
Ordinary people lack information, resources, background, and guidance.
Therefore, only when the media reports extensively will people pay attention to the market.

When you first enter the market, you have no idea what fear and cruelty are.
Although your investment is not large, you are ambitious and have made great achievements. You have never felt that making money is so easy.
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The story of Brother 480,000: In 2014, a man appeared in the Bitcoin forum. He used 480,000 to buy 100 Bitcoins. After that, he did not sit idle. He started to post live broadcasts about trading Bitcoin. After that, the market value of these 100 Bitcoins fell to 90,000. Many people kept mocking him, laughing at the fact that "Brother 480,000" was about to become "Brother 60,000". It stands to reason that the loss has exceeded 80%, and the remaining tens of thousands should be ignored. There is still a possibility of counterattack if they are left there. "Brother 480,000" defeated himself, but lost to a woman! His mother-in-law quarreled with him about this matter, and his wife even threatened him with divorce. Finally, he could not stand the pressure and sold 100 Bitcoins at the beginning of 2016, recovering 300,000 and a net loss of 180,000. Falling before dawn. At the end of 2017, the bull market entered its climax, and the price of Bitcoin began to hit 140,000. If Brother 480,000 could hold on to his 100 Bitcoins, the price would have skyrocketed to nearly 14 million by the end of 2017. Some people remembered Brother 480,000 again, but he never appeared again. He deleted his posts, cancelled his ID, and disappeared in the vast sea of ​​people. Are there all kinds of Brother 480,000 around you? Anyway, I have met all kinds of Brother 480,000 over the years. I didn't have the patience to hold the currency and fell before dawn. . I hope you don't repeat Brother 480,000's path and fall before the dawn of the bull market. #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛
The story of Brother 480,000:

In 2014, a man appeared in the Bitcoin forum. He used 480,000 to buy 100 Bitcoins. After that, he did not sit idle. He started to post live broadcasts about trading Bitcoin.

After that, the market value of these 100 Bitcoins fell to 90,000. Many people kept mocking him, laughing at the fact that "Brother 480,000" was about to become "Brother 60,000".

It stands to reason that the loss has exceeded 80%, and the remaining tens of thousands should be ignored. There is still a possibility of counterattack if they are left there.

"Brother 480,000" defeated himself, but lost to a woman!

His mother-in-law quarreled with him about this matter, and his wife even threatened him with divorce.

Finally, he could not stand the pressure and

sold 100 Bitcoins at the beginning of 2016, recovering 300,000 and a net loss of 180,000.

Falling before dawn.

At the end of 2017, the bull market entered its climax, and the price of Bitcoin began to hit 140,000. If Brother 480,000 could hold on to his 100 Bitcoins, the price would have skyrocketed to nearly 14 million by the end of 2017. Some people remembered Brother 480,000 again, but he never appeared again. He deleted his posts, cancelled his ID, and disappeared in the vast sea of ​​people. Are there all kinds of Brother 480,000 around you? Anyway, I have met all kinds of Brother 480,000 over the years. I didn't have the patience to hold the currency and fell before dawn. . I hope you don't repeat Brother 480,000's path and fall before the dawn of the bull market.
See original
Common billing methods Many novices don’t understand how to make investment orders, so they enter the market directly and then lose all their money. The following are common ordering methods for different types of machines. I hope it can be helpful to you: 1. Callback and rebound practices: When the market goes through a sharp rise or fall, there will be a short-term correction or rebound trend. Seizing such an opportunity is an easy and simple way for us to make stable profits. The main indicator to use is the K-line pattern, which requires you to have a very good sense of the market and be able to accurately judge the high or low points of the stage. 2. Time period approach: Generally speaking, the fluctuations in early trading and afternoon trading are small, and the market is easy to grasp. It is suitable for investors with a gentle temperament. The disadvantage is that the time for placing orders to make profits is extended, and you must have enough patience. The fluctuations in the late trading and early morning trading are violent, which can make profits quickly and have room for multiple operations. It is suitable for investors with aggressive personalities. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to grasp the market trend, easy to make mistakes, and requires relatively high technical level and judgment ability.
Common billing methods

Many novices don’t understand how to make investment orders, so they enter the market directly and then lose all their money. The following are common ordering methods for different types of machines. I hope it can be helpful to you:

1. Callback and rebound practices: When the market goes through a sharp rise or fall, there will be a short-term correction or rebound trend. Seizing such an opportunity is an easy and simple way for us to make stable profits. The main indicator to use is the K-line pattern, which requires you to have a very good sense of the market and be able to accurately judge the high or low points of the stage.

2. Time period approach: Generally speaking, the fluctuations in early trading and afternoon trading are small, and the market is easy to grasp. It is suitable for investors with a gentle temperament. The disadvantage is that the time for placing orders to make profits is extended, and you must have enough patience. The fluctuations in the late trading and early morning trading are violent, which can make profits quickly and have room for multiple operations. It is suitable for investors with aggressive personalities. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to grasp the market trend, easy to make mistakes, and requires relatively high technical level and judgment ability.
See original
See original
Wang Xing's prediction about Bitcoin ten years ago was amazing! At the end of 2013, Wang Xing, the founder of Meituan, announced on Fanfou that he had bought some Bitcoin and wrote a paragraph: I have no time to study Bitcoin in depth, nor do I expect to speculate and make huge profits. I just think that this idea is too awesome! It is the kind of awesome that is destined to be recorded in the history of human civilization. At the end of 2013, the price of Bitcoin was less than $1,000, and today the price of Bitcoin is $41,600. Wang Xing probably didn't buy Bitcoin to make money at that time, and it is estimated that the Bitcoin he holds is not sold now. He may have bought Bitcoin to keep a souvenir, or based on the recognition of values. (Insert a sentence: Because the big guys are not short of money, they can easily hold the coins they buy for more than ten years without selling them. Sure enough, the money flows to those who are not short of money) At that time, the mainstream media in China basically had a critical attitude towards Bitcoin, believing that it was over-hyped. There were even technology bigwigs at the level of Sogou's Wang Xiaochuan who put forward the view that Bitcoin has no value. As a well-known entrepreneur, it was rare for Wang Xing to let ordinary people see the true views of a top entrepreneur on social phenomena. Because many people are usually no longer willing to publicly express views that go against the mainstream after they have achieved success. When Wang Xing bought Bitcoin, Meituan Waimai had just been online for a month. Before that, Meituan was mainly engaged in in-store group buying business. The boss' time is precious. He is busy fighting with several other giants in the food delivery market to grab market share and has no time to study Bitcoin in depth. I think that if there is another parallel time and space, even if Wang Xing did not create Meituan, he might be a real boss in the currency circle now.
Wang Xing's prediction about Bitcoin ten years ago was amazing!
At the end of 2013, Wang Xing, the founder of Meituan, announced on Fanfou that he had bought some Bitcoin and wrote a paragraph:
I have no time to study Bitcoin in depth, nor do I expect to speculate and make huge profits. I just think that this idea is too awesome! It is the kind of awesome that is destined to be recorded in the history of human civilization.
At the end of 2013, the price of Bitcoin was less than $1,000, and today the price of Bitcoin is $41,600.
Wang Xing probably didn't buy Bitcoin to make money at that time, and it is estimated that the Bitcoin he holds is not sold now. He may have bought Bitcoin to keep a souvenir, or based on the recognition of values. (Insert a sentence: Because the big guys are not short of money, they can easily hold the coins they buy for more than ten years without selling them. Sure enough, the money flows to those who are not short of money)
At that time, the mainstream media in China basically had a critical attitude towards Bitcoin, believing that it was over-hyped. There were even technology bigwigs at the level of Sogou's Wang Xiaochuan who put forward the view that Bitcoin has no value.
As a well-known entrepreneur, it was rare for Wang Xing to let ordinary people see the true views of a top entrepreneur on social phenomena. Because many people are usually no longer willing to publicly express views that go against the mainstream after they have achieved success.
When Wang Xing bought Bitcoin, Meituan Waimai had just been online for a month. Before that, Meituan was mainly engaged in in-store group buying business. The boss' time is precious. He is busy fighting with several other giants in the food delivery market to grab market share and has no time to study Bitcoin in depth.
I think that if there is another parallel time and space, even if Wang Xing did not create Meituan, he might be a real boss in the currency circle now.
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