How to observe the next wave of mainstream in plate rotation?

Here are a few formulas that you should memorize

If the market falls sharply, I will not fall or if it falls slightly

The market is falling slightly and I am rising slightly or rising sharply.

When the market goes up, I follow it

Those who meet the above conditions may be the targets of the next plate rotation.

I have formulas but haven’t used them yet. I’ve only learned half of them.

This needs to be combined with a concept: the relative position of the market and sector currencies.

This is the real core

After the rise and fall rankings of sector coins emerge, we need to compare their positions relative to the broader market, and use the market’s recent highs and lows as an anchor point for comparison.

Compare the lows when the market falls

Compare highs when the market is rising


In fact, I can sum it all up in a few sentences.

The market is stronger than the market

If the market is weak, it is stronger than the market

The stronger the market, the more likely it will be the next sector to rotate, and the higher the relative position. When the market is falling, it is still at a high level, and when the market rebounds, it will hit a new high. The stronger the future explosive power, the more likely it is that the sector will rotate. the mainstream

There are currently several sectors on the market. You can observe carefully and pay more attention to the reasons behind why these sectors are so strong. If you really don’t have the time and energy to study, you can pay attention in time.