This is the first time for everyone to experience such a market! Looking back at the 9 wash states I mentioned earlier, at present, 519 in 21 years is the closest.

In 21 years, the big wash started in mid-April and ended on July 20, which lasted for more than three months. This time it also started in mid-April, and it has been less than three months now.

The similarities are the wash time and the increase in Bitcoin, and the difference is the altcoin. The altcoins before 519 rose more, and this wave of washes was equally disgusting.

So, everyone is facing such altcoin market for the first time. Whether it is ETF or interest rate cut factors, they are all lagging analysis.

Since the market has come to this point, we can't do anything. Taking Bitcoin as an example, the position of Bitcoin 58 has reached a super high cost-effectiveness, and the same is true for ETH.

In recent times, big whales have begun to hoard coins on a large scale at this position, similar to the situation when Bitcoin was around 20,000 US dollars in 2020, and then opened the main stage of the big bull market.

The big bull market in the second half is crucial. ETH's ETF will land, and funds will flock in, far exceeding the first half.

I still firmly believe that the bloodier the current wash-out is, the more gorgeous the future fireworks will be.