Binance Square
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Let's talk about #LTC📈 . From August 2023 to June 2024, Grayscale has increased its holdings of LTC from 1.5 million to 1.74 million! #BTC☀ has passed the ETF, and the next one is #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 's ETF. Grayscale is no longer the only one. The competitor of Grayscale Trust is ETF. At present, Litecoin has good data and is still at the bottom. Of course, Litecoin's trust will make Grayscale dominate the market again. I have to say that Grayscale is awesome. Buy slowly now, buy a lot in the future, and wait until the next round of bull market starts to hype Litecoin's ETF expectations before slowly selling. Awesome! ! ! Follow Grayscale's pace! Make stable money, make safe money! #关注元璋哥 Make 1 billion together! From July to August $LTC is expected to be 200 US dollars! ! !
Let's talk about #LTC📈 . From August 2023 to June 2024, Grayscale has increased its holdings of LTC from 1.5 million to 1.74 million! #BTC☀ has passed the ETF, and the next one is #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 's ETF. Grayscale is no longer the only one. The competitor of Grayscale Trust is ETF. At present, Litecoin has good data and is still at the bottom. Of course, Litecoin's trust will make Grayscale dominate the market again. I have to say that Grayscale is awesome. Buy slowly now, buy a lot in the future, and wait until the next round of bull market starts to hype Litecoin's ETF expectations before slowly selling. Awesome! ! ! Follow Grayscale's pace! Make stable money, make safe money! #关注元璋哥 Make 1 billion together! From July to August $LTC is expected to be 200 US dollars! ! !
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💥 @UniLend_Finance's latest announcement pushes their $UFT token to new heights! With the grand launch of @NumaChain, $UFT becomes the universal gas token, powering transactions across multiple blockchains. 🌐 This exciting development not only enhances the utility of $UFT, but also positions UniLend as a key player in the#DeFispace. As $UFT expands its influence with 21+ major listed projects, the token's growth and adoption potential is limitless. 🚀 Unlock the full potential of $UFT and explore its impressive array of features, including community governance, platform benefits, dApp token payments, incentives, and more! Reversal is coming! Layout #关注元璋哥 at a low level and make a billion together
💥 @UniLend_Finance's latest announcement pushes their $UFT token to new heights! With the grand launch of @NumaChain, $UFT becomes the universal gas token, powering transactions across multiple blockchains. 🌐
This exciting development not only enhances the utility of $UFT , but also positions UniLend as a key player in the#DeFispace. As $UFT expands its influence with 21+ major listed projects, the token's growth and adoption potential is limitless. 🚀
Unlock the full potential of $UFT and explore its impressive array of features, including community governance, platform benefits, dApp token payments, incentives, and more! Reversal is coming! Layout #关注元璋哥 at a low level and make a billion together
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$BNB $SOL I still remember #BNB in 2020. At that time, the lowest price fell to 6 US dollars. At that time, I watched #BTC☀ rise. Every day, people scolded BNB for being garbage. Finally, I cut my losses in agony, so I had the current BNB. When I heard #cz判罚 , another group of garbage came out to scold, I decisively bought 1500 BNB at 240 US dollars, but I was still eliminated by fud and suffered a slight loss. However, the good thing is that I left a small part of it. Later, BNB rose and the trolls disappeared! $CAKE The current situation is like the previous BNB Square. There are many trolls scolding. I bought from the position of 1.1 US dollars all the way to the average price of about 2.11. The highest price rose to 5 US dollars. I didn’t sell any of them because I knew this was an opportunity, an opportunity to quit the circle, and what is needed is patience! Although there are many trolls now, when most people understand it, BNB .CAKE is still fragrant! Don't chase the rise and fall, just hold on! Everything will rise! #关注元璋哥 , let's make 1 billion together!
$BNB $SOL I still remember #BNB in 2020. At that time, the lowest price fell to 6 US dollars. At that time, I watched #BTC☀ rise. Every day, people scolded BNB for being garbage. Finally, I cut my losses in agony, so I had the current BNB. When I heard #cz判罚 , another group of garbage came out to scold, I decisively bought 1500 BNB at 240 US dollars, but I was still eliminated by fud and suffered a slight loss. However, the good thing is that I left a small part of it. Later, BNB rose and the trolls disappeared! $CAKE The current situation is like the previous BNB Square. There are many trolls scolding. I bought from the position of 1.1 US dollars all the way to the average price of about 2.11. The highest price rose to 5 US dollars. I didn’t sell any of them because I knew this was an opportunity, an opportunity to quit the circle, and what is needed is patience! Although there are many trolls now, when most people understand it, BNB .CAKE is still fragrant! Don't chase the rise and fall, just hold on! Everything will rise! #关注元璋哥 , let's make 1 billion together!
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CZ is quietly collecting $CAKE and will revive PancakeSwap in the future. From the perspective of Onchain and the database, what is Cz doing? $CAKE attracted all experienced holders after it was divided by $1 for 40 times from the top. However, in early November, CZ raised a lot of funds for the new cycle. Firechart data shows that the accumulation force on the floor has reached $50 million, and there is no sign of stopping. In the future, $CAKE may fall further to collect more goods. At present, it has collected 10% of the total flow of the Binance exchange Binance's hot wallet Onchain has been transferring a lot of $CAKE in the past period of time, but there is no liquidity in the $4-$1 area, and the price is too low to deliver. Moneyflow shows that most of the goods have been transferred to Add Liquid and Pancake V3. APR (with farming) pair example $CAKE-$USDT According to the accumulated daily fees in the past 180 days, $CAKE ranks in the top 2 on the exchange (dex), second only to $UNI. CAKE is also a real income project with cheaper costs than Ethereum. In the upcoming peak season, many projects will run on low-cost BSC to reach users of many popular scam projects of the previous season running on the BSC network. $CAKE also introduced new mechanisms and products to cut the maximum supply to 250 million CAKE instead of unlimited supply that causes inflation. When $CAKE revenue reached the top 10, the project also had a lot of real income used. MM projects began to collect a lot of goods to ensure that CZ is incubating new products for the trend season, which will drive the legitimization of future price lines. The projects on the Binance launchpad launchpool list have not had prominent Defi projects recently, because the early Defi projects are too big to replace. In addition to #Binance, $CAKE and $BNB are two very good rice bowls for CZ, and CZ can't let his spiritual children die. If you like to invest in Defi projects, then $CAKE is a good choice.
CZ is quietly collecting $CAKE and will revive PancakeSwap in the future.
From the perspective of Onchain and the database, what is Cz doing?
$CAKE attracted all experienced holders after it was divided by $1 for 40 times from the top. However, in early November, CZ raised a lot of funds for the new cycle.
Firechart data shows that the accumulation force on the floor has reached $50 million, and there is no sign of stopping. In the future, $CAKE may fall further to collect more goods. At present, it has collected 10% of the total flow of the Binance exchange
Binance's hot wallet Onchain has been transferring a lot of $CAKE in the past period of time, but there is no liquidity in the $4-$1 area, and the price is too low to deliver.
Moneyflow shows that most of the goods have been transferred to Add Liquid and Pancake V3.
APR (with farming) pair example $CAKE -$USDT
According to the accumulated daily fees in the past 180 days, $CAKE ranks in the top 2 on the exchange (dex), second only to $UNI. CAKE is also a real income project with cheaper costs than Ethereum.
In the upcoming peak season, many projects will run on low-cost BSC to reach users of many popular scam projects of the previous season running on the BSC network.
$CAKE also introduced new mechanisms and products to cut the maximum supply to 250 million CAKE instead of unlimited supply that causes inflation.
When $CAKE revenue reached the top 10, the project also had a lot of real income used. MM projects began to collect a lot of goods to ensure that CZ is incubating new products for the trend season, which will drive the legitimization of future price lines.
The projects on the Binance launchpad launchpool list have not had prominent Defi projects recently, because the early Defi projects are too big to replace.
In addition to #Binance, $CAKE and $BNB are two very good rice bowls for CZ, and CZ can't let his spiritual children die.
If you like to invest in Defi projects, then $CAKE is a good choice.
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Everyone is a great god in the bull market. I want to say that accurate bull market predictions are rubbish. Prediction must be made in advance. I haven't been to the square for nearly half a year. I have been paying attention to the market for the past six months. In April and May of this year, I lost a lot of money in the primary market! It is recommended that newcomers do not touch the first level. As an old leek, I am constantly stepping on the pits in the first level and cannot prevent it. There is no clear stream in the first level in 2020 or 21! It is basically all leek plates, so the question is! The focus of funds in the future will probably return to the secondary market! So whether it is a new leek or an old leek, the current focus is on the secondary #DEFİ sector, which needs to be paid attention to! And at present, meme coins need to be cautious! Don't be overwhelmed by the market! Please remember the current three don't touch the currency circle, 1#Meme幣 Don't touch it again. If you must hold it, you can choose #not The reason is to understand it yourself! 2 Don't touch the local dog in the primary market. The current winning rate is like buying lottery tickets! If you don't believe it, there is no way! Don't touch the 3 contracts, don't wait for #BTC☀ to rise to 200,000 dollars, but the contract has already exploded! In summary, spot is king, step by step, slow and steady is the kingly way! $BTC $BNB $UFT #关注元璋哥 Let's get rich together and make 1 billion together! ! !
Everyone is a great god in the bull market. I want to say that accurate bull market predictions are rubbish. Prediction must be made in advance. I haven't been to the square for nearly half a year. I have been paying attention to the market for the past six months. In April and May of this year, I lost a lot of money in the primary market! It is recommended that newcomers do not touch the first level. As an old leek, I am constantly stepping on the pits in the first level and cannot prevent it. There is no clear stream in the first level in 2020 or 21! It is basically all leek plates, so the question is! The focus of funds in the future will probably return to the secondary market! So whether it is a new leek or an old leek, the current focus is on the secondary #DEFİ sector, which needs to be paid attention to! And at present, meme coins need to be cautious! Don't be overwhelmed by the market!
Please remember the current three don't touch the currency circle, 1#Meme幣 Don't touch it again. If you must hold it, you can choose #not The reason is to understand it yourself!
2 Don't touch the local dog in the primary market. The current winning rate is like buying lottery tickets! If you don't believe it, there is no way!
Don't touch the 3 contracts, don't wait for #BTC☀ to rise to 200,000 dollars, but the contract has already exploded!
In summary, spot is king, step by step, slow and steady is the kingly way! $BTC $BNB $UFT
#关注元璋哥 Let's get rich together and make 1 billion together! ! !
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I haven’t been to the square for a long time. It feels so good to make money secretly! Everything you buy in the bull market will take off, seize the sector rotation in advance! Next is the #DeFi section! Make arrangements in advance and make early profits! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! $BNB holds $CAKE, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on and it’s about to explode!
I haven’t been to the square for a long time. It feels so good to make money secretly! Everything you buy in the bull market will take off, seize the sector rotation in advance! Next is the #DeFi section! Make arrangements in advance and make early profits! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! $BNB holds $CAKE , hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on and it’s about to explode!
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#uft I don’t want to say anything more, there is a surprise in February! Enlighten yourself! Opportunities always come quietly! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together!
#uft I don’t want to say anything more, there is a surprise in February! Enlighten yourself! Opportunities always come quietly! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together!
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#cake The current price will not let you get in the car again. When it was more than $1, I invested $100,000, and when it was $2.9, I invested another $150,000. The highest impact was $4, so the decline in this round has eliminated short-term profit-makers. Next, the cake war will begin! #BNB🔥 This golden shovel must be held! #关注元璋哥 Plan ahead and make 1 billion together!
#cake The current price will not let you get in the car again. When it was more than $1, I invested $100,000, and when it was $2.9, I invested another $150,000. The highest impact was $4, so the decline in this round has eliminated short-term profit-makers. Next, the cake war will begin! #BNB🔥 This golden shovel must be held! #关注元璋哥 Plan ahead and make 1 billion together!
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I discovered a strange phenomenon. Every time I publish a specific list of coins to buy, there is always no traffic! Then choose a good sector layout next time. Please pay attention to one point. During the time period from October to January, the currencies of some platforms did not increase much. The current number #ETF通过 means a major success in the blockchain industry! We should explore opportunities from them and focus on certain platform currencies that have not yet experienced much growth! For example, the platform currency of #DEX , such as the platform currency of #GameFi , the platform currency of #defi , you can hold two dex platform coins, two gamefi platform coins, and at least one defi platform currency in your hands! If you have this kind of position and don’t make big money in the bull market, come back and scold me! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! $BTC $BNB $CAKE
I discovered a strange phenomenon. Every time I publish a specific list of coins to buy, there is always no traffic! Then choose a good sector layout next time. Please pay attention to one point. During the time period from October to January, the currencies of some platforms did not increase much. The current number #ETF通过 means a major success in the blockchain industry! We should explore opportunities from them and focus on certain platform currencies that have not yet experienced much growth! For example, the platform currency of #DEX , such as the platform currency of #GameFi , the platform currency of #defi , you can hold two dex platform coins, two gamefi platform coins, and at least one defi platform currency in your hands! If you have this kind of position and don’t make big money in the bull market, come back and scold me! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! $BTC $BNB $CAKE
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How to quickly make money in the currency circle? 1 You should catch a good narrative in a bull market! Next#GameFi 2. Never chase the high. If you miss the first one such as inscription #ORDI. , the second one, and the third one of the same type come out immediately, don’t hesitate! If you miss it, don't chase the high again. Once you are trapped, you will be trapped forever! The 3 largest positions must be placed. In the bear market, we have been building ecological projects, and even projects with profitability in the product itself, such as #cake #BTC🔥🔥 4. Use a very small proportion of funds to fight the Tugou. After the Tugou’s funds are enlarged, you will continue to hoard valuable tokens. Do not play with the Tugou! Follow capable big Vs to discover the secrets of wealth, and do your own research (DYOR) and spend at least an hour every day! 6# Follow Brother Yuanzhang and let’s make it one billion together! ! ! $BTC $BNB $CAKE
How to quickly make money in the currency circle?
1 You should catch a good narrative in a bull market! Next#GameFi
2. Never chase the high. If you miss the first one such as inscription #ORDI. , the second one, and the third one of the same type come out immediately, don’t hesitate! If you miss it, don't chase the high again. Once you are trapped, you will be trapped forever!
The 3 largest positions must be placed. In the bear market, we have been building ecological projects, and even projects with profitability in the product itself, such as #cake #BTC🔥🔥
4. Use a very small proportion of funds to fight the Tugou. After the Tugou’s funds are enlarged, you will continue to hoard valuable tokens. Do not play with the Tugou!
Follow capable big Vs to discover the secrets of wealth, and do your own research (DYOR) and spend at least an hour every day!
6# Follow Brother Yuanzhang and let’s make it one billion together! ! ! $BTC $BNB $CAKE
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#etf Finally passed at 5 o'clock last night. I stayed up late until 5 o'clock until the news was confirmed! Close the position, close the position! The only small negative before the current bull market is the sentencing incident of #cz ! But it doesn’t matter, just don’t get thrown off the car no matter what! $BTC $ETH $CAKE #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! ! !
#etf Finally passed at 5 o'clock last night. I stayed up late until 5 o'clock until the news was confirmed! Close the position, close the position! The only small negative before the current bull market is the sentencing incident of #cz ! But it doesn’t matter, just don’t get thrown off the car no matter what! $BTC $ETH $CAKE #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! ! !
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#ETF批准预期 The exact news will be announced tomorrow. No matter what the result is, it will be a good thing. Try to move as little as possible from late January, otherwise you may be thrown off the car at any time. #cake There has been a correction in the past two days. This is another chance! You can pay attention to #XAI , which goes online at 6 o'clock today. If the market value is over one billion, make a decisive move! Get disconnected! When the bull market comes, don’t sell the golden shovel #BNB🔥 ! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! ! ! !
#ETF批准预期 The exact news will be announced tomorrow. No matter what the result is, it will be a good thing. Try to move as little as possible from late January, otherwise you may be thrown off the car at any time. #cake There has been a correction in the past two days. This is another chance! You can pay attention to #XAI , which goes online at 6 o'clock today. If the market value is over one billion, make a decisive move! Get disconnected! When the bull market comes, don’t sell the golden shovel #BNB🔥 ! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! ! ! !
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#cake Many veterans don’t know how they deflation, so you #关注元璋哥 This is related to the minimum multiplier you can get in the future! The destruction of cake is mainly based on the fee income from each application scenario of the pancake, which is used to buy back and destroy it in a similar way to #BNB🔥 . The cake is destroyed once a week. On January 2, the net deflation of cake is 44,800 cakes. You must know that the current pancake income is still There is a very large room for growth. We are still vigorously developing other public chain ecosystems and the future income is unimaginable. Therefore, when the real mad cow comes, the number that may be destroyed will be even larger, so here is the problem! If the price of cake last week was roughly around 3.5 US dollars, the number of burns would be 44,800! (net deflation) Then, when the price reaches 7 US dollars, the net cake deflation is 22,400 units (weekly) When the price reaches $14, cake has a net deflation of 11,200 units (weekly) When the price reaches $28, the cake has a net deflation of 5,600 coins (weekly) When the price reaches 56 US dollars, the net cake deflation is 2800 (weekly) By analogy, any cake worth less than two hundred dollars will deflate very quickly! In summary, if you can hold it, $100 cake is a very good fixed investment target! In the future, the price of cake will rise step by step, just like you keep climbing the stairs! New highs sideways, new highs sideways, new highs sideways! Dear friends, please pay attention! ! ! $BTC #BNB🔥 $CAKE
#cake Many veterans don’t know how they deflation, so you #关注元璋哥 This is related to the minimum multiplier you can get in the future! The destruction of cake is mainly based on the fee income from each application scenario of the pancake, which is used to buy back and destroy it in a similar way to #BNB🔥 . The cake is destroyed once a week. On January 2, the net deflation of cake is 44,800 cakes. You must know that the current pancake income is still There is a very large room for growth. We are still vigorously developing other public chain ecosystems and the future income is unimaginable. Therefore, when the real mad cow comes, the number that may be destroyed will be even larger, so here is the problem!
If the price of cake last week was roughly around 3.5 US dollars, the number of burns would be 44,800! (net deflation)
Then, when the price reaches 7 US dollars, the net cake deflation is 22,400 units (weekly)
When the price reaches $14, cake has a net deflation of 11,200 units (weekly)
When the price reaches $28, the cake has a net deflation of 5,600 coins (weekly)
When the price reaches 56 US dollars, the net cake deflation is 2800 (weekly)
By analogy, any cake worth less than two hundred dollars will deflate very quickly!
In summary, if you can hold it, $100 cake is a very good fixed investment target! In the future, the price of cake will rise step by step, just like you keep climbing the stairs! New highs sideways, new highs sideways, new highs sideways! Dear friends, please pay attention! ! ! $BTC #BNB🔥 $CAKE
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#FIL The former Heavenly Death-level project finally got tough. A fil worth 200 US dollars is definitely worthless, but a fil worth two or a few dollars is definitely valuable, haha! Just like the #cake I bought for a few dollars! $FIL's first goal is ten dollars, $CAKE's first goal is ten dollars! Stick with January’s great quotes! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! ! !
#FIL The former Heavenly Death-level project finally got tough. A fil worth 200 US dollars is definitely worthless, but a fil worth two or a few dollars is definitely valuable, haha! Just like the #cake I bought for a few dollars! $FIL 's first goal is ten dollars, $CAKE 's first goal is ten dollars! Stick with January’s great quotes! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! ! !
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Crazy January! ! #ETF批准预期 is getting closer and closer. I would like to express my opinion. I personally think that ETFs will continue to be postponed, but whether it is passed or postponed, it will benefit the market, so January will be crazy! The pie is even expected to approach a record high! Grab your chips and don’t worry about the short-term correction of one or two days. Remember, you are already on the bull market train. If you are not an excellent trader, then you should be an excellent currency hoarder! The callback is to pick you up, not to ask you to hand over your chips! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC #cake #BNB🔥 #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together!
Crazy January! !
#ETF批准预期 is getting closer and closer. I would like to express my opinion. I personally think that ETFs will continue to be postponed, but whether it is passed or postponed, it will benefit the market, so January will be crazy! The pie is even expected to approach a record high! Grab your chips and don’t worry about the short-term correction of one or two days. Remember, you are already on the bull market train. If you are not an excellent trader, then you should be an excellent currency hoarder! The callback is to pick you up, not to ask you to hand over your chips! $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC #cake #BNB🔥 #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together!
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#BNB🔥 Does it smell good? Eat both with one shovel! Haha, are you panicking when you step into the air? Brothers, if you want to make money in the currency circle, quickly block those who call bears when it falls, bulls when it rises, and those who haven’t gotten on the bus and are still waiting for the black swan event! Hurry up and block it, otherwise it will affect your fortune! #cake Let go of your layout and imagination! As long as you can hold on to it, turning 100 into 100 million is not a problem, don’t ask why, this is after several rounds of bulls and bears, which will give you confidence in the currency circle, haha! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make it one billion together! $BTC $BNB $CAKE
#BNB🔥 Does it smell good? Eat both with one shovel! Haha, are you panicking when you step into the air? Brothers, if you want to make money in the currency circle, quickly block those who call bears when it falls, bulls when it rises, and those who haven’t gotten on the bus and are still waiting for the black swan event! Hurry up and block it, otherwise it will affect your fortune! #cake Let go of your layout and imagination! As long as you can hold on to it, turning 100 into 100 million is not a problem, don’t ask why, this is after several rounds of bulls and bears, which will give you confidence in the currency circle, haha! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make it one billion together! $BTC $BNB $CAKE
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#cake 🔥Ten dollars in the first ten years, if you hold it, don’t hesitate to get on as long as there is a callback! The current price is just like the 100-dollar bottom of the bull market of #BNB🔥 in 2017. Brother, it is now at a cabbage price. Binance has continuously launched new prices, and #BAKE has also continued to launch new ones. I can tell you for sure that the next one will be this silver shovel. New! $BTC $BNB $ETH #关注元璋哥 Let’s make it one billion! ! !
#cake 🔥Ten dollars in the first ten years, if you hold it, don’t hesitate to get on as long as there is a callback! The current price is just like the 100-dollar bottom of the bull market of #BNB🔥 in 2017. Brother, it is now at a cabbage price. Binance has continuously launched new prices, and #BAKE has also continued to launch new ones. I can tell you for sure that the next one will be this silver shovel. New! $BTC $BNB $ETH #关注元璋哥 Let’s make it one billion! ! !
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Let me tell you secretly, be sure to keep #BNB🔥 #cake one golden shovel and the other silver shovel! With both shovels in hand, I have everything in the world! Also $LOKA $COMP don’t wait until it explodes before you react! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! Waiting for the next opportunity! You and I are only destined to pay attention! ! !
Let me tell you secretly, be sure to keep #BNB🔥 #cake one golden shovel and the other silver shovel! With both shovels in hand, I have everything in the world! Also $LOKA $COMP don’t wait until it explodes before you react! #关注元璋哥 Let’s make one billion together! Waiting for the next opportunity! You and I are only destined to pay attention! ! !
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#BNB🔥 #cake 🔥 Are you happy that Binance escaped the big drop yesterday? Brothers who are losing money and keeping up with others are making a lot of money! $UFT $BURGER said it a long time ago, yesterday’s explosion was already in the bag, what car should I get on now? I secretly tell everyone that a huge pump has appeared again. It is pumping water at #DeFi趋势 #GameFi and is currently pumping water at #LOKA $COMP. There is no need to rush and getting rich is not far away! Follow Brother Yuan Zhang! Make it one billion together! bnb, keep holding cake!
#BNB🔥 #cake 🔥 Are you happy that Binance escaped the big drop yesterday? Brothers who are losing money and keeping up with others are making a lot of money! $UFT $BURGER said it a long time ago, yesterday’s explosion was already in the bag, what car should I get on now? I secretly tell everyone that a huge pump has appeared again. It is pumping water at #DeFi趋势 #GameFi and is currently pumping water at #LOKA $COMP . There is no need to rush and getting rich is not far away! Follow Brother Yuan Zhang! Make it one billion together! bnb, keep holding cake!
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#Mbox #LOKA #BURGER Brothers, are you still satisfied with this low market value #GameFi these days? The principal is put into the bag first, and the profits are allowed to fly #关注元璋哥 . Together with the bull market, one billion will be earned! In summary, be bold and careful! $BTC $BNB $CAKE
#Mbox #LOKA #BURGER Brothers, are you still satisfied with this low market value #GameFi these days? The principal is put into the bag first, and the profits are allowed to fly #关注元璋哥 . Together with the bull market, one billion will be earned! In summary, be bold and careful! $BTC $BNB $CAKE
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